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Found 9 results

  1. These parts are required for solid axle TR 2,3 and 4 They are original S-T items and unused and should not be confused with the modern remanufactured replacements. They have been well looked after having been stored in clean oil so that there is no corrosion and have the retaining spring included Priced at £18 each or £32 per pair.plus postage.
  2. Hi all, I am missing the bracing for the front over riders and I have not been able to track any down. I have ordered some appropriate tube and intend to make some, does anybody have a photo of an original so I can attempt to follow the bends needed ? I also assume that they attach to the inner wing to the slotted hole. Any help would be appreciated. Regards Ron
  3. Hi all, I have searched the forum and not found the answer to my issue. Whilst investigating a slight leak around my spin on oil filter I decided to check the relief valve operation. It has been fine for many years but now the pressure just keeps rising with revs and does not find the relief spot. When I back the valve screw off the pressure does drop but still does not find its maximum to relieve. Any thoughts before I disassemble the whole lot? Some have suggested replacing spring and ball anyway in case of wear. Many thanks Mark
  4. Hi all, I have rebuilt the engine on my TR4, new liners and rings,new head gasket, head has had new valves and seats and have been lapped, all the valve gaps are correct and are moving up and down but I am getting air blowing out of the carbs ! I'm a bit stumped and would appreciate any advice. they are the original valve spring but they seem ok. Regards Ron
  5. Hi all, I have searched the forum and not found the answer to my issue. Whilst investigating a slight leak around my spin on oil filter I decided to check the relief valve operation. It has been fine for many years but now the pressure just keeps rising with revs and does not find the relief spot. When I back the valve screw off the pressure does drop but still does not find its maximum to relieve. Any thoughts before I disassemble the whole lot? I also see conflicting advice on setting the relief valve - is it a cold or hot engine? Many thanks Mark
  6. Hi All, I have tried to fit the rubber boot seal but it seems too big and the lid is sitting too proud from the body, is there a smaller seal ? Regards Ron
  7. Hi All, A little while ago, the suggestion was made that it might be entertaining if I reposted the story of when my amazing partner Jan and I competed in the stupidly long Alcan 5000 rally (Seattle to Anchorage) with our stupidly old 1961 TR4. Well, it's been almost 10 years since we went on that road trip (August 2014) so perhaps it's appropriate. At the time we posted our daily "blog" on Facebook which we later compiled into an article that appeared in a number of magazines including our very own TRAction. I've decided that, following some "establishing" posts, I shall post them
  8. Happy New Year everyone. Throughout the 4 years I have owned my 1964 TR4 it has suffered from "running on" when the ignition is switched off. The car has an electronic 123 distributor. I have replaced the plugs with cool running NGK BP8HS units but still the car runs on. I have resorted to stalling it to prevent this happening! The vacuum pipe rubber connectors were renewed in 2016. I slightly retarded the timing but this merely flattened performance without curing the problem, so timing is back where it was. I believe the engine has a standard cam. Any pointers to curing the pro
  9. Hi All, with an eye on the winter jobs, I'm starting to look at replacing the mechanic fuel pump and filter bowl with an electric pump. I'm thinking of this for two reason, firstly as part of a security measure so I can easily and subtly shut off the fuel flow to stop the car going far if somebody tries to steal her. I also have a remote GPS tracker (still to fit) that has the facility to shut off/trigger two electrical systems remotely via a mobile phone so one can be for the fuel pump, should they find the hidden cut-off switch. Secondly fuel evaporates from the float bowls alarming q
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