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Steven Whitaker

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Everything posted by Steven Whitaker

  1. Hi Ian. Where did you purchase from and how did you get the discount? Thanks.
  2. Thanks Ian. I did try searching but that facility on this forum is pretty useless, or I’m doing something wrong!
  3. Thanks. I’ll take a look.
  4. I”m overcome with the choice online so looking for recommendations to cover and protect my 4a in the garage. Would like a cover with a soft internal surface including a bit of substance to it to protect against knocks etc. My garage is dry but unheated! TIA.
  5. Thanks all. Thanks for the pm Roger. I’m going to see if Moss will take the new handles back. If yes I think it makes sense to rebuild mine. Then I’ll fit them and look into having them rechromed over winter. Ive asked Moss and await their reply. Thanks again. Steven.
  6. Hi Roger. The mounting point to the door on the new handles is different to the original handles and will need the rear mounting point opening up in the door skin. They are not a direct replacement. The innards on my ordinal handles appear to be all there, but both the cast monkey metal backplates are goosed. The metal is rotten and they are broken. Also, one of the innards is broken at the top is you look on the photos. The chrome isn’t too bad, but there are dings and scratches in them. And of course the new ones don’t have the lever for internal locking. I have no spares so wen
  7. Hi Roger. Oh dear! I’ve already purchased! My pair are rough as hell with dings, bad chrome and the rear die cast plates are naffed too! Im not that fussed about internal locking. Should I be? I read that someone had rechromed and they came out really badly. I thought these would be fine. They look the same!
  8. I’m not with you my freind! Pse explain. I checked my spelling! Edit: Silly me. A nail in plan looks like a tack. It’s been a long week…. Now, what to do……?
  9. My old door handles were broken so bought new, but looks like they need modifying. What’s the best plan of attack pse? Do I have to modify the handle or the lock? TIA.
  10. Thanks everyone for your input. I have never spent such a focussed Friday night in the garage as last night! All drilled including for the boot lid badges and tonneau studs. Not a fun job after finish paint but it’s done. All went well with the tape method. Holes painted with top coat. That’s a good idea Stuart putting waxoyl on the rivets. Badges were loose for the photos. And I’ll now have a look at wing liners Roger. Cheers.
  11. Thanks Roger. I’ve. It decided on the liners. Are they worthwhile?
  12. Hi All. I must be bad at searching as I cannot ever find what I’m looking for on here! I need to fit my new side mouldings so need to drill the holes in newly painted bodywork. Should have done it before paint… Does anyone have any tips? Not a job I’m looking forward to! What sealant do I use around the rear lights too pse? Please wait while image is uploading...
  13. Hi. What is PPF? I'm still pondering, but need to make my mind up soon!
  14. Thanks Roger. If you can make me a stainless one I’ll be the Guinea pig ha ha. Would be much better than anodised ally for sure. Cheers,
  15. Thanks for all your comments and advice folks. This is a tricky one.. I’d prefer to use the original one if possible so might have a go polishing it and see how it comes out. Guessing trying to add metal is out of the question, as in welding? I had thought about powder coating as an option but it won’t look original for sure. And yes it’s a drop head so needs to be right. Need to do some thinking..
  16. Hi All. Is there any way to rescue this, or should I buy new? Are the new ones ok? Mine as it is will let my build down and spoil the car.
  17. The frame to body seal has been in for a month so should be ready to trim?
  18. I need to trim this seal back, but how far back pse anyone? I asked before but forgot the answer!
  19. Screen in with new rubber seal and new chrome trim. Easy when you know how and have the correct parts from Moss! Cheers all, especially Stuart. Glad that’s done. Took an hour all said. Please wait while image is uploading...
  20. Thanks Stuart. That's exactly what I was thinking! Cheers and wish me luck as I chop up a £50 seal..... I'll be crying as I do it, being a Yorkshire man....
  21. Thanks Stuart. Much appreciated. So, fit the rubber to the glass, then fit the chrome trim to the seal on the glass before fitting the whole assembly to the car? I'd never have thought that. Doesn't the chrome trim make the seal swell, making it more difficult to fit the screen to the frame? I thought that was the idea, so fitting the trim after the seal is in the car, helps to lock the whole thing together, no? I will take your advice but never done it that way on other cars, hence my question. Every day is a school day. Thanks again.
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