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Gary F

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About Gary F

  • Birthday 02/04/1964

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  • Cars Owned:
    Herald, Vitesse, Stag, TR & Sunbeam

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  1. Wow! That's a Nice mark up if it sells? Gary
  2. Yes Some Tr4A & Reproduction parts fitted and definitely needs a bit of fettling/finishing inside. I had a mate attend hoping to buy a Series 3 Land Rover but he was outbid, he said the Tr250 was very nice. Gary
  3. This seems a good buy for someone? https://www.handh.co.uk/auction/lot/lot-65---1968-triumph-tr250/?lot=61071&so=0&st=&sto=0&au=543&ef=&et=&ic=False&sd=1&pp=48&pn=2&g=1
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305854030512?_skw=tr250&itmmeta=01JATAM103RTY19GKFQC5JZDWC&hash=item47365222b0:g:cCwAAOSwenxnF11s&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmKk04eYvqP0P%2BvykqNNFSQFslEaVsAbhYNNrZglGcs5TiCdEtY9mKYFIJIFTEAu2p%2BEbQ44YQfDdiNA3deyy6T%2FYtORjokKsPIP0dtWxrTKetqErMe8nMssWF3YEhqCW0p1EFqd%2BVlKMISzDgvffWN70rw%2FL9K5g8IvetIkw0s7fjwnAvSYcsU6urGpa84gv78M%2FkswNYAiO9A0iztgBtE1P3mt8Kd4L%2FnA0EKq2tcZQB9T%2FnFEdK68sj6hd17Kxzu%2BggQD8GKzzJULSx7P2at|tkp%3ABk9SR56Q0MrWZA
  5. Gary F

    Tr5 on ebay

    Yes, states sold when I checked.
  6. Gary F

    Tr5 on ebay

    Wow! Another one in need of saving and restoration, overdrive too. White with a Black interior, was this one of the most popular colour/trim choices for the Tr range, I know it was for the Vitesse Convertibles. Gary
  7. Wow! They must be very rare indeed, with repro ones around £200 they must be worth 2 or 3 times more at least? Then again, if you were to place them on E-Bay who knows. Gary
  8. Stuart Ok thanks, its a hard one to call. I have seen both of them in the flesh, although not recently. I followed the restoration of the Ex McGown car with interest when it was featured in the TSSC Courier magazine and the attention to detail during the restoration was unbelievable! I suppose both cars will end up in a collectors private collection and remain unused, which is a shame. Gary
  9. Is that one this car? https://www.carandclassic.com/car/C1705017
  10. Currently Listed on E-Bay and the Car and Classic Websites https://www.carandclassic.com/car/C1773264 Is this the Best one in the country? Gary
  11. For anyone interested in finishing off a Tr5 restoration? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176467153414?itmmeta=01J2K0ZBKJ1KTKYKQZVG225Q3Z&hash=item2916431206:g:bmQAAOSwPPRmfGxT
  12. Aren't the roads bad everywhere? You want to try driving through Nottinghamshire, it must be the worst county in the country? It's certainly the worst area I've encountered. Gary
  13. https://angliacarauctions.co.uk/classic-auctions/2636-06-Apr-2024/5633~1-1968-triumph-tr5
  14. Yes, I must agree. It looks well, I like White and Matador Red or even White and Tan too Regards Gary
  15. What about this beauty recently listed for sale https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335309698031?itmmeta=01HSDTA7D0P2SR86RZ2X2NKSTR&hash=item4e1203f3ef:g:~nYAAOSwFjhl-TGM A well known club car, I never knew White with a Shadow Blue interior was an option on the 5.
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