3rd October 2020
Brunel any any other TR Register Group @ Autumn Classic Race Weekend at Castle Combe

Although this is now a 2-day event for 2020 we will be there on the Saturday again as usual as the Sunday will clash with Redhill. We will probably be alongside Glavon group as usual to create an award winning TR Register display.
It is a great day of historic racing and being part of the TR Register display provides a good discount on the entry price.
I have my tickets now and had a few concerns which I have now been through with the circuit in a very understanding and amicable conversation and will share with you, although I am not offering any guidance, suggestions, or proposals, it is up to every individual member to make their own decisions. Some of this is already given in the instructions from Castle Combe which take precedence over anything I mention. Please don’t call the circuit to try to bend the rules, I understand from one member they do not take kindly to it.
IF I go, I will not be taking a gazebo as only 6 members would be able to use it.
Please note:
- There are 30 TR Register members going in 21 cars from a number of groups as several members asked to piggyback on the Brunel booking as we are all one car club.
- We must not meet in a group of more than 6, indoors or outdoors. This is against the law.Wearing masks is compulsory indoors and strongly recommended outdoors.So, does this mean if we socialise with 5 other TR members we cannot socialise with anymore and may not socialise with any other car clubs?I suggest that is the spirit of the rule.
- We will enter via the Red gate and have been allocated a 75m stretch in front of the railings roughly where we were last year between Bobbies and Camp Corner.
- We will have access to the toilets just inside Red gate.
- There is no access to the paddocks.
- There is no access to the café.
- There is no access to the shop.
- There is no access to view any part of the circuit other than the club area (Bobbies to Camp) and the viewing bank running up to the pedestrian bridge, so Quarry is out!
- There will be a burger and coffee van in the club area.
- Access is only permitted for a TR car for display, its driver, and one passenger who must be from the same household as the driver.No under 17s are permitted (according to the website, even though the tickets say under 16s).
- Group Leaders are required to ensure tickets are only distributed to club members and are displaying a TR.I’m not sure how I can do this but I only gave the access code paid up Brunel members and Group Leaders of other groups.Hopefully, I will not fall foul of that rule as I do not need a heavy fine, I’m relying on you.
- Tickets are not transferable as they will use details of the ticket buyer for Track and Trace.
Please keep an eye on tbe following for updates:
Tthe Brunel Events page https://www.tr-register.co.uk/event/2020/10/2307/Brunel-any-any-other-TR-Register-Group-Autumn-Classic-Race-Weekend-at-Castle-Combe
The latest TR Register guidance page https://www.tr-register.co.uk/article/2020/07/0222/Coronavirus-Latest-Club-Guidance-Events-News
The Castle Combe website https://castlecombecircuit.co.uk/race-days/autumn-classic-racing-festival