3rd January 2020
Cornwall Group - The 91st MCC Exeter Trial
Good afternoon
I have received the following information from Dave Sapp the Trial Secretary for the 91st Exeter Trial. I would be grateful if you could pass the information onto your members if anyone is interested. I believe a few people took part last year.
91st Exeter Trial - 3rd/4th January 2020
The MCC have recently introduced an all tarmac Class R into their three main classic trials, Exeter, Lands End and Edinburgh. This class was introduced for the "older and more fragile" vehicle (and competitor). The class is suitable for ordinary road vehicles too.
The route winds it way from Haynes International Motor Museum for about 170 miles, through mostly Devon roads taking in four Observed Sections on steep hills, where restarts are required, fords and two Special Tests, to the finish at Torquay. And all on tarmac roads. Please don't think that Class R is an easy option. Many have and many have lost awards! There is also stricter timing than the other classes to gain the gold/silver/bronze awards that are available for the successful competitor. The class is open to motorcycles and cars.
First vehicle in Class R leaves from Haynes International Motor Museum at 03:00 Saturday 4th January 2020, has a compulsory one hour breakfast stop at Crealy Adventure Park and is scheduled to finish at the Toorak Hotel, Torquay about 13:00. The MCC also offers a shorter Class R route from Crealy during day light hours starting at 07:30. Preferential rates are available at the hotel for rooms and an optional Club supper is available on Saturday 4th January.
The MCC is pleased to invite members of the TR Register to participate in Class R in the 2020 event.
Entries open on the 8th Oct and close on 11th November at a cost £80 per vehicle. Late entries will be accepted up to 11 Dec at a cost of £89 but no mention in the programme. You can enter on-line at www.themotorcyclingclub.org.uk for which you will require a temporary membership number available from Simon Woodall: simon.woodall@themotorcyclingclub.org.uk or by contacting the Secretary of the event Dave Sapp: dave@sappfamily.co.uk or 01460 240679 (before 9pm please).
Any enquiries should be directed in the first instance to the Trial Secretary Dave Sapp.
Good luck.
Kind regards
Events Administrator
TR Register
Tel: +44 (0) 1235 818866
Fax: +44 (0) 1235 818867
My e-mail address: events@tr-register.co.uk
Club Website: www.tr-register.co.uk