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15th September 2019

Kennet Valley TR Group Mid Monthly - Drive & Eat - visit to Aston Pottery & Gardens

Kennet Valley TR Group Mid Monthly - Drive & Eat - visit to Aston Pottery & Gardens

Kennet Valley TR Group September Mid Monthly is a Drive & Eat to Aston Pottery & Gardens, situation near Bampton Oxfordshire circa 31 miles from the Newbury area, it is a working pottery, All of their pots begin life on a piece of paper in Steve's office.

Beginning with their Mugs and Jugs, over the past 25 years they have added a wide variety of designs to their collection, ranging from butter dishes to rimmed bowls, and most recently cake stands. The journey from paper to product takes time, but the results are always worth it.with the master mould completed and finalised, production or 'working' moulds can be produced en masse. Made of plaster these moulds are designed to last for many castings and can easily be reproduced from the block and case when required.

developing and making moulds at Aston PotteryIt also has some lovely gardens to enjoy, which are flowering through July to September, with all four competing with each other to grab your favour and attention. Take a stroll down the energetic and lively Hornbeam Walk with its vibrant Hot Bank adorning the foot of the pathway. Throughout the season our Traditional Perennial Border provides a classical take on the art of border planting. From the end of July our Dahlia garden erupts into a sea of colour as all our gardens strike their full potential.

The Hornbeam Walk in autumnThere is a restaurant on site and we plan to eat there so to avoid queues, we need your menu choices, here is the menu: Aston-Pottery-menu.pdf

Mike Field is our coordinator for this event so please let Mike Field know your menu choice and how many are coming, we plan to issue a scenic route to Aston Pottery which will follow later. Please note, if the weather is not favourable on the day or you don't want to drive your TR, then bringing your everyday car is AOK. Email Mike here: Mike Field

Download the run here: Run-to-Aston-Pottery.pdf