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21st March 2018

Brunel Group AGM

Brunel Group AGM

All at Brunel Group

You are invited to the Brunel Group AGM being held at our normal meeting place, the Jubilee Inn, on Wednesday 21 March at 8.00pm.

The agenda is attached together with copies of the minutes of last year's AGM and last year's accounts, both for approval at the AGM.

The current officers of the group are willing to continue in post, nominations from anyone wishing to stand for election should be received by 14 March 2018.

If there are any specific issues you wish to raise at the AGM could you please let me know by 14 March 2018, and these will be covered under item 7 of the agenda.

This event is well attended by members so we have booked the full dining room as usual.

Kind regards



