19th May 2017
Record Breaking Triumph TR2 returns to Jabbeke

Day 1 : Friday May 19th 2017
1700 to 21h30 : TR Register members and MVC 575 are made welcome at Hotel IBIS , De Haan.
Reception and evening Dinner.
Day 2 : Saturday May 20th 2017
07h30 to 09h00 : Breakfast at IBIS Hotel.
09h00 to 10h00 : TR Register members and their cars set off to Leisure centre, following country roads and a stretch of motorway!(vrijetijdscentrum, signposted from motorway exit Jabbeke)
10h00 to 10h30 : MVC 575 and Fellow cars are been lined up for Static display on the terrace of the leisure centre.
11h00 to 12h00 : Reception offered by the community council of Jabbeke.The Mayor and members of city council meet up with guests.
12h00 to 14h00 : Lunch at the Leisure centre.
14h00 to 18h00 : Time for Interviews , Pictures , Local and international press.
18h00 to ------ : Return to IBIS Hotel for Dinner and review of the day .
Day 3 : Sunday May 21th , 2017
08h00 to 09h30 : Breakfast at Hotel IBIS.
09h30 to 14h00 : Start of Jabbeke country tour, passing true small villages and pittoresc scenery , with display of our cars to the public at various locations.
14h00 to ----- : Everybody is free to wander off for some more touring, or visit the nearby medieval town of Bruges.
Day 4 : Monday May 22th , 2017
07h30 to 08h30 : Breakfast at Hotel IBIS.
08h30 to 09h30 : Packing and getting car and driver ready to return Home.
*NB - Attendees are encourage to book accomodation with the hotel for the specified dates above themselves: http://www.accorhotels.com/gb/hotel-8092-ibis-de-haan/index.shtml
*Use contacts below for booking meals and reception:
For more details and to book contact Peter Bowden:
Email: peterbowden@btinternet.com
Luc Mahieu
Email: luc.mahieu@telenet.be
For more information on the Jabbeke landspeed record breaking Triumph TR2: www.tr-register.co.uk/mvc575