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Update on At the Bar

The TR Register Board Meeting took place on Sunday 28th January 2018 at the club headquarters, Didcot. There was just one apology, from Club Secretary Phil Tucker. All other team members were present.

At the meeting, it was confirmed that the office has received a few requests for the agenda to include a discussion on the recent move to discontinue the At the Bar section of the forum. The reasoning for this original action being taken, can be read on the notice published below. As requested, the forum was discussed at the meeting with just under one hour being devoted to the subject.

All the feedback from both members and non-members, including the few that wrote in via email and those that posted on various threads on the forum, was considered and deliberated in detail.

As a result of those discussions, it was agreed that everyone recognised the importance of a friendly and supportive Forum environment that includes a social element. Also considered in detail were concerns from frequent posters that some content had been archived during the recent changes.

The result of the discussion are as follows:

1) All old 'At the Bar' content be migrated immediately to 'Members Chat' so that it is searchable to TR Register members. This has already been actioned.

2) Allow the Members Chat area to remain open for social , non-technical conversation for members of the TR Register.

3) Continue to build the moderating team to ensure issues with posts and users are dealt with quickly.

4) Add a more clear and concise statement of unacceptable topics and rules, more prominently displayed throughout forum areas.

The forum's uses and practices will be constantly reviewed, especially in terms of growing and maintaining benefits for international TR Register members. Work will also continue on developing a new forum platform to include a more user-friendly interface for uploading images and a method of single - sign in to remove the need for multiple logins between the forum and website members area.

Thank you to all those that got in touch regarding the forum. Please be assured that all suggestions and points raised were properly considered and discussed. It is appreciated that some users will be disappointed that the old forum format will not be reinstated but the team feels that the Members Chat area allows a suitable space for the social side of TR Register membership to flourish within the forum.

The management team would like to ask all users of the forum to help and support your moderators by ensuring the subjects posted are suitable for a car club website and that users show each other respect and courtesy to preserve a friendly and supportive forum.

Original announcement message from the TR Register's Management Team

The TR Register Forum is a hugely important element of our car club, not only as a means for existing members to seek help and advice from each other, but also as a resource for new or potential members wishing to discover more about the club and our vehicles.

However, over the past few months, there has been an increasing level of complaints received by both the moderating team and the office. Those complaints have included members unhappy with the type of content being posted by some users and the attitude of some forum users to each other. All this has been publicly viewable to new and potential members. The issue has escalated to the point where a number of existing members have not renewed their membership of the club, citing content and attitudes published on the forum as their reason for leaving.

In the modern world of communication, there is ample opportunity for members wishing to discuss certain matters, to do so amongst themselves in private, without having to bring a respected club into disrepute by publishing content unfit for a car club website.

As a result, the management team were forced to discuss these issues at our last board meeting and have subsequently come to the difficult decision to remove the "At the Bar" section of the TR Register Forum and instruct the moderators to remove all other non-technical conversations from outside of the Members Chat area - with immediate effect.

Those not adhering to the forum rules and guidelines, will also be issued temporary and permanent bans from posting.

This is a decision that was not taken lightly.

There will be further developments to the TR Register Forum, in 2018, that our team are working on to improve the platform and integrate into the members login of the website, removing the need for multiple user accounts. The new platform will also bring with it improved functions for publishing photos for example.

The technical assistance that the TR Register's Forum offers is second to none and so that powerful resource should be allowed to flourish and develop in a way that properly represents what the TR Register Car Club stands for - enjoying our cars and keeping them on the road. We urge all forum users to again familiarise themselves with the rules and guidance notes published under the help section and to ensure conversations remain supportive and polite.

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