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It's been a long winter but finally TR motorsport revved into action with events at Goodwood and Curborough of the weekend of 17th and 18th April.

Cars waiting to race

At Goodwood on the Saturday, Jim Giddings quietly demolished the opposition in his healthily powered TR8, beating his 99 second target by 1.70 seconds. The circuit was running well, but Jim put it down to his trainers, which are wide and leaden compared to his usual race shoes which he forgot to change into.

Tony and Sam Browne, the husband and wife racing team, turned out in Sam's immaculate and recently retrimmed TR4 (Classic Car Seats ( - check them out) and Tony's newly re-engined Dolly Sprint.

Tony demonstrating to Dale how he uses the steering wheel

There were lots of other stories and plenty of first event vehicle gremlins - Tom's immaculate TR3 dribbling (his words) water, but it didn't slow him down. John in his TR4 as ever showing the youngsters the way round; Dale finally getting some track time in his re-engined TR6 before steam emerged from the rear during the last run; and mustn't forget Len, having travelled from the end of the earth (literally) - Cornwall- decided to change down from 2nd to 1st rather than up to 3rd whilst accelerating in his rapid full race TR4, sadly resulting in oil on the immaculate Goodwood tarmac and an early trip home.

Curborough was the focus on Sunday. Shaun had driven home to Cheshire from Goodwood for a few hours kip and then back down the Curborough. Chris, Hamish, Ian and Kev joined him for another splendid day of motorsport.

Chris rounding Flagpole Hairpin

Although the weather was clear and bright, it was clear that Curborough was suffering from a severe bout of "red mist" as the red flag made more appearances than at any Labour Party conference.

Ian lifting a rear wheel

Shaun suffered from some electrical gremlins with a water pump fuse that kept blowing. Insulation tape proved to be an effective cure for the mechanical problem but couldn't stop that niggling doubt inside his head. With one eye on the gauges and another on the road, Shaun wasn't 100% focused.

Shaun accelerating along Shenstone Straight to the finish line.

Kev sliding out of Flagpole Hairpin

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