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As of Monday 6th March, within the stunningly grand surroundings of the Rotunda Building at the exclusive Royal Automobile Club in London's Pall Mall stands a Triumph TR2. Not just any Triumph TR2, arguably the most significant Triumph TR in the marques history.

It was an early start, before dawn to get the car in place

The Royal Automobile Club was founded in 1897 by Frederick Richard Simms with the primary purpose of promoting the motor car and its place in society.

The Club promoted the first pre-war British Grand Prix at Brooklands in 1926. After the war, it was staged at Silverstone in 1948. The Club continued to campaign for the rights of the motorist, including introducing the first driving licences.

In 1999 the Club demerged the motoring services and established an independent body, the Motor Sports Association (MSA), to govern motor sport in the UK.

Today, the Royal Automobile Club is one of the foremost private members' clubs in the world with a diverse membership, an extensive events programme, and two beautiful and unique clubhouses, alongside first-class accommodation, dining and sports facilities.

Displaying a vehicle in the historic building takes some ingenious organisation!

Glen Hewitt of Protek Engineering who owns the Jabbeke Triumph TR2, famous for breaking the landspeed record for a two lite sportscar delivered the completed vehicle to the Royal Automobile Club's Pall Mall clubhouse at 5am on the morning of Monday 6th March 2017. The car will grace the Rotunda building foyer for a week in surroundings a lot grander than it would have enjoyed on the Belgian Highway where, on May 20th 1953 it wrote it's place in the history books by cracking 124.885mph.

The week long display will culminate in a reception and dinner for guests of the Jabbeke Triumph TR2 which will include many luminaries from the Triumph community coming together to celebrate Glen's work on Friday 10th March 2017.

To celebrate this unique occasion, TR Action Magazine will be bringing you a full pictorial spread in issue 297 with stunning images of the whole display - recorded in history as another key moment for the marque Triumph TR, sixty four years after it's release.

Glen Hewitt has rebuilt the famous Jabbeke Triumph TR2 over the past year.

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