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Sunday the 2nd November 2014 saw the TR Register Annual General Meeting take place at the Heritage Motor Museum, Gaydon.

Due to publication schedules, we were unable to report on this in detail in the last issue of TR Action magazine; however we have put measures in place on the magazine production schedule to rectify that in 2015.

We are happy to announce the election of Phil Tucker as the new Chairman of the TR Register.

Elsewhere, Chris Hale was re-elected as Overseas Director and newly elected to the position of Vice Chairman. Mervyn Parkes remains as Finance Director whilst elsewhere Andy Spencer, Howard Pryor and Roger Hogarth joined the board as South West, Eastern and South Eastern Directors. Tony Sheach was elected to the newly created role of Technical Director.

All contested directors positions were decided on the basis of a poll, meaning that the votes in the room were counted alongside the registered proxy votes.

The following resolutions were adopted (subject to approval by Companies House under the terms of 'special resolution') via a poll:

10.2.2: That the Articles of Association be amended at Clause 17 to add Clause 17 (4) 'Notice of available directorships may be accompanied by a reasonably detailed job description of the role concerned.' (This amendment would indicate that all future available directorships are likely to have a job description, which is not currently required at all, but it would not become compulsory.)

10.2.5: That the Articles of Association be amended at Clause 23 (5) ( b) to delete the words 'or likely to become harmful' and to delete the words 'A Member expelled by such a resolution will nevertheless remain liable to pay to the Club any subscription or other sum owed by the Member. (This amendment would still allow members to be expelled if their continued membership was actually harmful to the club but would not require them to then pay a subscription unless they had already done so.)

10.2.6: That the Articles of Association be amended at Clause 25 (a) to add the words
'and such accounts shall have been published in writing and been available to be seen
by Members on the website of the Club at least 60 days prior to the meeting. (This amendment would require future accounts to be published and put on the Club website at least 60 days before the AGM rather than just requiring them to be presented at the AGM itself as at present.)

10.2.8: That the Articles of Association be amended at Clause 29 to add the words 'and on the Club website at least 7 days prior to the meeting. (This amendment would require the Agenda for meetings to be published and available from the office at least 7 days before the meeting rather than just being available from the office at no set date as at present.)

The Annual TR Register Awards also took place following the conclusion of formal business at the Annual General Meeting with the following results:

TR Register Awards

GOLD AWARDMike Jennings
Etienne De Coensel
Robert Ernst
Ian Landen
Sean Tindle
Paul Sealey
Henrik Vikelgaard
BEST ARTICLE IN TR ACTIONTony Sheach for the two part LEJOG series
BEST PICTURE IN TR ACTIONJim Pullen for Le Mans classic TR2 in the wet
BEST PICTURE ON FACEBOOKBarry Lucas for his picture of his TR6 leaving the Mallaig to Skye Ferry, towing a caravan in 1976.
BEST TR AT THE AGMMike Hazlewood for his prototype TR4A.
EDDIE HOLDEN AWARDDave and Margaret Gleed

The TR Register would also like to formally extend thanks to Chris Cunnington who stood down as chairman after seven years of service. Chris has been a figurehead for many years and will be missed. Presentations were made to both Chris Cunnington and Mark Treadwell for their long-standing service.


The full minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting are currently available for approval on the TR Register website. This is the first time that this document has been made available online to download in its entirety so we urge all members to read through and submit comments to the Vice Chairman Chris Hale, contact details at the rear of this magazine.
Go t
o to download the PDF now.