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Wye Dean's AGM - held April 18th 2018

Wye Dean's AGM - held April 18th 2018

19 Wye Dean members attended the AGM at the Harewood End Inn on Wednesday 18th April, with 1 additional member sending in apologies. What follows is an outline of proceedings, and doesn't constitute minutes.

Jeff Mason-Wenn remains in position as Group Leader. Items discussed included -

a request to take on the role of TR Action contributor - John Williams has very kindly offered to fill this post;

events for 2017 were organised & lead by various group members, resulting in some excellent days out with some really encouraging numbers participating;

an events coordinator is needed to take a lead early in the year for planning, and to liaise with those organising events throughout the year - so far we haven't had a response to this request;

Beryl will continue to edit the Wye Dean web pages & add events;

Jeff will circulate to WD members by email as appropriate;

we talked about the issues arising from the General Data Protection Regulations soon to come into force - currently, both Jeff & Beryl hold the WD membership list and will take all reasonable steps to safeguard this information;

a code of conduct for all members of the register has been formulated by HQ;

a brief discussion re the TS2 project;

a mention of the new family membership category, with the hope that spouses / partners who regularly attend will take membership;

the IWE this year will be organised in partnership with Stonebow Media, and will include better catering arrangements and entertainment and a wider range of car makes to attract a larger audience over the weekend. Details will be in TR Action;

we've enjoyed liaising with Glavon for joint ventures, & Andrew said how much he and Sarah enjoy the weekend events organised by other groups, and encouraged us to think about spreading our wings.

And I think that about covers a very good evening - thank you to all who attended and contributed, and to those who've organised events for the group.

........and a post script to the meeting from Kevin & Carol Nichols ...........

"We had an interesting drive home after last night's meeting.

When I got in the car at Harewood End the headlights failed to come on.

A bit of tinkering under the dashboard got them working.

Got just beyond the Three Horseshoes at Allensmore when they packed in completely refusing to be fixed.

I then tried the headlight flash which worked so we drove to Builth holding the headlights on with the flash switch, that got us 40 miles up the road just past the showground ( 8 miles from home)and we were thrown into darkness again.

We were not far from a lay-by so we parked up and hunkered down for a nights kip. Not very comfortable in a TR and by 3:00 am we were both awake and cold.

At 3:50 am the traffic was virtually non-existent so when a van came by I got going and hung on his tail on the bypass using his headlights as a guide.

The last 4 miles from Newbridge we were on our own again and risked driving on our sidelights (assuming all the police would be tucked up in bed at that time) and arrived home safely at 4:15am.

The wiring circuit on my car has been modified at some point using non-standard wiring colours so I am now on a race against time to get the car road legal for the Concorde trip.

Oh the fun of TR ownership."

Wye Dean Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760329
  • Mobile
    07831 456155
  • Email address

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