Wye Dean AGM
We held our AGM at the Harewood End Inn on April 19th, and were pleased that 20 members attended. Caroline passed around minutes from last year's AGM which were duly accepted as a true & accurate account of the proceedings. Jeff briefed us on events from 2016, and in the absence of any other nominations for the post of Group Leader, he was duly voted in as GL for the coming year - our thanks to both Jeff & Caroline (his right hand!) for the work they do on behalf of Wye Dean.
We took time to express our deep sadness at the sudden death of Celia Williams. She and John have been regular and loyal supporters of Wye Dean in recent years - we'll miss her so much. Celia has enlivened our meetings with her thoughts, ideas and opinions, expressed in her broad Glaswegian accent that sometimes left us pretty baffled and hoping we were smiling & nodding in the right place! John has agreed that a future run in memory / celebration of Celia would be a great idea.
It was suggested that the task of planning events be shared, an idea that met with approval and offers to help without too much arm twisting. On Sunday Alan is leading a 'Drive it' day, Caroline & Jeff will lead the drive to the Haynes Museum in May, and Rob & Sue Preece will lead the drive to Stokesay Castle in June. Many thanks to those.
Beryl will continue to be the 'Communications bod', and mentioned the forthcoming facility being instigated by the Register website, so group communications will be mainly via the website.
The decibel level was very high, demonstrating the lively nature of the gathering - if you missed it, make a point of joining us in the future - we really are a welcoming group, and the venue for our meets is comfortable, serves very good bar snacks and excellent ales!