Click here for details of the BMC Show at the British Motor Museum,Gaydon

A review of activities in 2015

A pretty busy year, beginning with 6 Wye Dean members joining over 100 others from a variety of groups at Limpley Stoke Hotel for the annual get-together organised by Glavon. We had a great time, and thank the organisers (Lesley, Sally & Jane) for their meticulous planning.

On Sunday 8th March, Wye Dean joined Glavon for a visit to the Jet Age Museum at Staverton.This was a really interesting visit, tracing the invention of the jet engine by Sir Frank Whittle, and future developments. Jim Rendell, a Glavon member gave us an interesting introductory talk before we toured the hangar and the exhibits. Among the many memorable items were a replica Gloster, the first ever jet plane, which took flight in 1941; a replica of a Horsa Glider, used to drop troops behind enemy lines in the second world war; an original Unibus, dating from the early 1920s, the fore-runner of the scooter (complete with stowage space for the rider's bowler hat!) – and so much more. Entry to the museum is free, but donations are encouraged to help with development & running costs. It's well worth a visit – see for information on opening times etc.

Several members attended the Coleford Carnival of Transport on Easter Monday, and were treated to a varied display of cars, trucks, bikes etc, on what was a beautiful sunny day.

We had a great day out in Rhossili on June 14th – the weather was kind, and we all got there, though not without one or 2 sweaty palm moments! Martin's car refused to start once or twice, and the clutch played up on Dick's car a few times, but hey – that's part of the fun isn't it?! We had 8 cars and 14 humans + 1 lovely doggie (Lady Edith!)

After a superb lunch on the breezy headland, some of us went down to the beach & created a masterpiece in the sand, and later we walked to the lookout above Worm's Head, and dropped onto the rocks below, where Jeff spotted a very impressive jellyfish. A speedier drive home via the Heads of the Valley route for most brought the day to a happy conclusion.

The BBQ at the 3 Horseshoes on 15th July was a great success – 19 of us gathered on a sunny, if cool evening.We tucked into the usual BBQ fare, washed down by the non-drivers with liberal quantities of beer/wine. We were pleased to meet Joe who was attending a meet for the first time, along with 3 member's guests – one of whom drives a Morgan he's had for 30+ years – by general consensus we think we'll allow that one onto club drives!! We adjourned to the bar later, where the conversation was vibrant and deafening.

On the weekend of 18th & 19th of July, some members attended the Much Marcle Steam Rally and were treated to a fabulous array of steam engines, including steam driven ploughs & fairground organs, along with classic and vintage cars, caravans, military vehicles, motor bikes & push bikes, and more!Also, plenty of opportunity to part with your hard earned cash at the retail stalls and auction.

On Sunday 2nd August, a small number made it to the 2nd annual Classic & Vintage show organised by the Brecon Motor Club, at the mountain centre, Libanus. The show had expanded this year, and over 200 vehicles, ranging from classic & vintage cars, motorbikes, tractors etc, were present – the oldest was a 1930 Ford Model 5A window Coupe. Funds were raised for the Brecon 'Dial a Ride' scheme, helping those with mobility challenges to get out and about – a great way to support a worthy cause.

And then of course, there was the IWE!!………….a pretty good turnout from Wye Dean, with several camping at the showground. A bit 'THANK YOU' from all of us to all at TR register, and the mass of volunteers who planned the event, and worked so hard to ensure everything went smoothly.

For our second major drive of the year, we made a visit to Big Pit in Blaenavon. 7 cars met at the 3 Horseshoes on Sunday 27th September to begin the drive, and 1 more met us at the pit, together with approx 7 cars from Glavon group, so we ended up with 26 supporters in total.

The drive went very well – the weather was superb, though when we passed through some foggy sections, the heaters were opened up!! Our route took us through 'Kilvert' country along the B4352 to Hay on Wye – classic Herefordshire countryside, with pretty villages and beautiful, bucolic countryside.Turning SW, we passed through Talgarth and took the B4560 to Bwlch, on the way, getting brief glimpses of Llangorse Lake. We took the B4560 through Llangynidr, with its very narrow bridge, and up onto moorland, enjoying stunning views,to reach the A465. Then from Brynmawr, we took the B4248 to reach the Big Pit.The drive took almost exactly 1.5hrs, and got the seal of approval from all who took part.

The final drive of the year before the Winter set in was from the Three Horseshoes to Berrington Hall, on Sunday 29th November. Well, storm Clodagh had set in, so it was touch and go whether we ventured out at all…but in the end, a total of 21 met, with 15 from Wye Dean, and 6 brave souls from Glavon who joined us after a detour due to the M48 bridge closure. Some built up reserves with bacon butties and tea before we set off just after 10 o'clock.We had an impressive array of cars – just 2 TRs, complimented with a Porsche, a Mazda, and a sparkly new Mercedes SLK amongst others.

Our route took us over the Wye bridge at Hereford, then a detour to join the A480 to drive through to Lyonshall.From there we took the A44, and soon passed through the stunning 'Black & White' village of Pembridge. (We made a mental note to re-visit the Black & White villages in the Spring). Then on to Eardisland with more ancient buildings, and the pretty River Arrow winding through it. Next up was Leominster, and a short drive along the A49 to arrive at our destination. Happily, during most of our visit the rain held off, but the very strong winds were a bit of a challenge.

Berrington Hall's a Georgian mansion, and the National Trust had re-created a Georgian Christmas, with music, dancing and decorations from the era.Our folk did their own thing, some warmed up with coffee before touring the house, and some stayed for a light lunch afterwards.This year, the House has been showcasing costumes from the 18th Century – did women REALLY fit into those tiny waistlines?

Look for pictures of these events in the Gallery section.

Wye Dean Group

  • Contact Name
    Jeff Mason Wenn
  • Telephone
    01452 760329
  • Mobile
    07831 456155
  • Email address

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times