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Wensum Group committee minutes

Wensum Group committee minutes

6th New Committee meeting 23/02/2024

The last meeting minutes were briefly discussed and agreed by the committee


Ann Hill
Graham Andrews
Mark Winter
Iain Fisher
Tony Giles
Richard Ireson
Adrian Richmond
Phil Ginn


John Elliot
Mike Salmon

Graham Andrews opened the meeting at 18:15 welcoming Phil and Adrian as new committee members

Since the last meeting:

Correction from AGM was required to highlight that two other members have signed the data protection form, Anne Hill who holds data and Paul White who has left his post and is not holding any data.

An email address was set up for the group

A questionnaire as previously minuted had already been drafted by Iain, we will check it is still relevant and add items if required. Phil also has a questionnaire to discuss further. Once agreed we will then send it out to members to respond. We are looking to capture a trend with the majority of members.

It should include reading a Wensum magazine, WhatsApp and raffle, themed evenings and social events.

We would like to start gathering details from the Wensum members for an annual magazine or updating the website on a more regular basis.

Graham will find out from the TR register what we as a club could organise which would gain funding.

We will create a Regalia list, with photos the show the group what is available to use.

The Bird in Hand are very happy with the Monday meetings at the moment, it would be good if members who know could inform Richard If you are attending.

WhatsApp none members policy; it was decided that we would identify non members and send out a message to ask if they would like to rejoin the TR register, if not remove them from the WhatsApp group.

Graham highlighted to us that the office has been restructured and also has a new full time staff member. An updated Wensum members list will be sent to us soon and we will contact ex members to ask if they would like to rejoin the Wensum group or identify why they have left.

It was discussed that there could be a rotation of tasks;

Local events are already been highlighted on the website to show members what is on, then in future an event will be selected each month to show the membership what is being supported by the group, (these were selected at the meeting).

Larger international events will be needed to be organised by individuals in there own friendship groups and offered out to members in the Wensum group if desired and numbers permit.

Feelers will be sent out to scenic car tours to try and identify a Jersey / Guernsey tour for long weekend and Monday to Friday for 10 cars.

The meeting Agenda should be decided a week before the date and sent out to committee.

Friday evenings out were poorly supported last year so it was decided to open midweek breakfast runs / daytime runs, information to be spread on the WhatsApp page. Dates and places to be decided to ensure runs are available over the next 6 months, Iain to follow this up.

From the AGM a proposal of a trip to Caster Castle car museum was noted and this could be one trip.

A suggestion box will be created to have at both the meetings and emails sent out for feedback by the members about what they would like to do

Next meeting Friday 19th of April 17:30

Meeting closed 20:15

Wensum Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times