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Red Rose Bulletin - February 2022

Red Rose Bulletin - February 2022

Hi Everyone

Well January certainly outstayed it’s welcome! But February is here at last, the days are getting longer and although it’s been a tad on the chilly side lately we haven’t had any snow yet! Famous last words!

January Round Up

January is always a bit quiet but our monthly meeting which was also our events meeting was very well attended despite fears over the new variant and of getting roped in to volunteer for something by Jonathan!

We started off with some very good news regarding The Cock @ Budworth! We have been assured that the room is ours for the foreseeable future. The temporary landlord is there till Easter and any future tenants will take on any existing staff and clubs such as ours so fingers crossed a potential crisis has been averted.

Bob is still planning the Coast to Coast trip and has now taken a list of people who are interested in going and will provide a further update at the next meeting.

Ann and John Thorpe are hoping to do the France trip and will have more information soon.

We are also now the proud owners of a new gazebo so no more getting dripped on at shows! It is currently residing in our shed which is better than my utility room where it spent two weeks!

We now have a full diary for the coming year with something for everyone from car runs and shows to trips away, you are bound to find something to do in your TR.

I would like to thank anyone who has volunteered to organise a run or trip or who has sent information for a suggested event. I have now updated the events list and have posted it on Facebook and will send it out to everyone via email shortly . Quite a few of the runs are now open for bookings so don’t delay in filling in your application forms. Just go to the relevant websites to download an application form.

Any member of the TR Register is welcome to join us at any of the suggested events and we welcome new members even if they can’t attend the monthly meetings.
If you need information on any of the events please email us

Aysgarth Weekend Update
For anyone who is already booked into or wants to book a room at The Aysgarth Falls weekend in
July it now has new owners. They have put the rates up slightly and require a £25 deposit to be paid now with the balance due the week before.

We spoke to the new owner Nigel and he seems very nice so you just need to contact him to
confirm your booking. A complete renovation is currently underway so it should all be looking good by the time we go. All the existing staff have been kept on and there is a new chef who used to work in a hunting lodge apparently so l am expecting big things!

Ian Landen is the group leader in charge of this event so if you need to contact him and don’t have his email we can pass it on.

New Members
Two new members and their cars have joined the ranks ! Welcome to Steven Whitaker and his TR4A.

Colin Eastwood and his TR6.

Both have quite a bit of work to do on their cars and will no doubt be looking to Red Rose members for their expert knowledge!

Dates for your Diary


13th February - Red Rose Meeting - The Cock @ Budworth
27th February - Huddersfield Auto Jumble


13th March - Red Rose Meeting - The Cock @ Budworth
18th - 20th March NEC Practical Classics Restoration Show. 
Use TR Register booking code here.

Red Rose Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times