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Nene Valley Social Scene March 2017

Nene Valley Social Scene March 2017

As I write I can see the days getting longer and the nights shrinking minute by minute-we intend to take advantage of the spring and summer daylight-and hopefully lots of sunshine! For example, by the time this is in print we will have already enjoyed a run out to Crich Tramway Museum, linking with the Leicestershire Group and others. Our Drive-it-Day event on 23rd April will be a trip to the Heritage Museum at Bicester-again an event that will attended by many other TR Register members, so there should be a good turn out of TRs there!

A warm welcome was recently extended to Wayne Scott, who gave us an outstanding presentation on the TR Register website at our March meeting. This was helpful on many levels-for those still becoming familiar with the site as well as those who know their way around it but would like to do more. The volume of information about all TRs alone-such as access to technical manuals, seminars and TR Action-makes the Register's annual subscription amazingly good value! The sausage and chips provided by the Bell Inn's chef Harriet and the staff there also went down very well indeed!

We are always ready to welcome new members, so do come along if you can: first Thursday of each month at the Bell in Finedon. As well as through the TR Register website you can also find us on Facebook, which we often use as a convenient avenue of communication-check out our current profile photo below:

Phil Pope

Nene Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times