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TR Lincs May 2016


Welcome to the May edition of the TRLincs news. Now that the weather has finally broken and with a number of events already under our belts it would seem that the rest of the year looks entertaining and testing for us all.
There are a number of important messages in this month's newsletter so please take the time to read through it. If any of you have difficulty reading it via this emailed version remember that it also appears on our group page on the main TR Register website, but more of that later.
So what's happened since the last report?

County Wheels Day - Woodhall Spa, 24th April

For many this event is the first big classic car event and made even more special as it is Lincolnshire's response to Drive It Day™ organised by our treasurer Malcolm Brown ably assisted by Sherry, Derek and Alyson Pywell. This the second year of it's running saw our friends from the Camb Followers making Woodhall the end of their drive for the day. Plenty of TR Register representation on show this time. The most amazing thing I saw at the show was what I was reliably informed by Roger Clay was a VW T1 23 window Samba micro bus being offered for sale for £120,000, really! Makes our TR's seem exceptionally good value.

As always the event is in aid of charity and I understand something approaching £500 for Lincolnshire Air Ambulance. Here's wishing them a successful 2017 event.

Tour of Lincs 100 - 8th May

Probably the finest day of the year saw the 2016 running of the Tour of Lincs 100, organised by the Sleaford Rotary Club which aims to send 100 cars over 100 miles through Lincolnshire in aid of charity. A goodly number of TR Lincs cars joined the 130 cars that took part for a run starting at Sleaford and running through the south of the county and picking up parts of Leicestershire and Rutland before returning to Sleaford later in the afternoon for a cream tea. For most that was what was done, for one TR Linc'er, namely me, it didn't quite work out like that. Approximately half way around the course my trusty stead decided to throw a wobbly and grind to a halt. After much under-bonnet staring, prodding and taking things apart that always happens when two or more TR Lincs members gather, in this case 6, a dead fuel pump was the diagnosis. Game over. Following a call to the 4th emergency service I motioned to my fellow TR Linc'ers to continue on their way to enjoy their picnic lunch at the side of Rutland Water. But no, comrades to the end they decided to take their picnic at the side of the road where NOAH, the name I give my TR came to rest, in solidarity. You can imagine the surprise on the face of the yellow van man that turned up to give the official verdict on the prospects of fixing an unfixable fault at the side of the road. At this time the picnic was complete and my band of brothers departed south to leave Mags and I four hours to wait for the relay man. Happy motoring! Needless to say the event was ultimately a great success with over £2000 going to the Air Ambulance

TR's to the Sea - 15th May

Sunday morning saw an early gathering at Hartsholme Park in readiness for a day at the seaside. The run kindly organised by Pete & Sue Rowlands was kicked off by the almost compulsory Coffee and Bacon Roll before being handed our "Tulip Diagram" instructions. The route, slightly frustrated by the closure of some roads due to the Lincoln cycling event being held on the same day, took us through a labyrinth like route allowing a coffee stop and Wickenby airfield and a Beer stop at the Blue Bell Inn, Belchford.

On arrival at Cleethorpes, our seaside destination, we tucked into Fish and Chips on the seafront before deciding to abandon our plans to resurrect the TR Lincs sandcastle competition. The one thing we hadn't figured was how cold the Lincolnshire coast can be in mid-May. The sandcastle competition will appear at a future event rest assured. Following an uneventful return and a good dose of sea air it was early bed for many of us.

Next Events

Our scheduled events for the next few weeks you can see listed on our group page. Currently we don't have a TR Lincs June run scheduled at present. If anyone would like to volunteer to take a run then please don't be shy. It doesn't have to be special, just decide on somewhere to meet up and then decide where we should end up, usually a good pub for a bite to eat or an interesting attraction that you think would be of interest. Go on you know you want to!!!

The full calendar of events can be found here.

International Weekend

As you no doubt have gathered by now that final arrangements are being put in place for the staging of the 2016 International Weekend on our very own patch. The time has now come to pull together the TR Lincs working party to assist over the weekend. A number of activities have been identified by the organising committee and have been detailed separately via our internal newsletter. Many of you have already said that you will be willing to assist in whatever capacity so now is the time to firm that up. Can you take a look at the roles and drop me a line indicating which role(s) you would like to do and the days you can deliver them. Ideally we would look for a general 1/2 day commitment to make it worthwhile and allow for relief if required over the day(s).

There are likely to be a number of other duties that will crop up between now and the event so don't be surprised if there is a role you get allocated to that isn't listed here.

For those that intend to stay on the show ground over the weekend I intend to set up a TR Lincs area in the camping ground with our event tent set up and 'wagons' circled around it. Hopefully this will provide a focal point for those of us staying as well as TR Linc'ers just attending for the day. We may even keep the kettle on. Please let me know asap if you are intending to camp and I will get an area designated for us.

TRLincs Website and Email
I was told at our last meeting that you may have had odd emails coming into your inbox seemingly from TR Lincs. It seems that there is a virus out there that picks up random email address and sends them out using those addresses in the hope that you will read them and act upon them. Please note that any email from me will be from Note that there is no gap between the TR and the Lincs part of the email. The spam email appears to put a space between the TR and Lincs. As always please ensure that your virus checker is up to date and that you make sure it is enabled to scan any incoming emails.
While on the subject of internet things it's worth mentioning that the old TRLincs website has been mothballed and that our new site, which you can find HERE, is part of the larger TR Register site. Please take time to look at it and add a bookmark so that you can get to it quickly as all of our events and reports are stored here for you and the wider membership to read.
This newsletter application has some statistical analysis associated with it and it reports that 75% of the recipients actually read it. That is an excellent response, of course 100% would be better.
Let me know if there is anything that you would like included in the next one, or even if you want a next one!!

.......and Finally
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter as far as here! There is a lot in it this month. Please keep feeding ideas in and suggestions for runs/events that we can all enjoy.
Just a brief mention of Dave Burgess our East Midlands Director and of course Group Leader of Derbyshire Dales who many of you know. Dave unfortunately has suffered a heart attack and is awaiting surgery. I'm sure that you will all join with me in wishing him a speedy and full recovery and look forward to seeing him out and about soon. If you want a bit of fun why not try THIS?


Adrian - Group Leader

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times