Click here for details of the BMC Show at the British Motor Museum,Gaydon

October Update

Derby Dales 25th

The 22nd August saw the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of the Derby Dales group. A few TR Lincs members ventured across the border to join the Derby's on a run starting at the memorial to the now defunct Sherwood Foresters Regiment high on a hill above Crich Tramway Museum. The run took a meandering route through the picturesque dales, passing Chatsworth House along the way, ending at the scene of their very first meeting at the Bulls Head, Ashford in the Water. There we were treated to a celebratory non-alcoholic glass of fizz and a BBQ. Many thanks to Dave and Barry of Derby Dales for all their hard work in staging that event.

TR Lincs August Run

The day after the Derby run Peter and Cheryl Heath organised a great run through the Lincolnshire countryside on the 23rd August. After gathering at Wragby we set off picking up a series of Medieval sites and other historic places of interest along the way.

Following an excellent Sunday roast in North Thoresby followed by a visit to the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway to let of some steam!! An excellent and informative run out, thanks Peter and Cheryl for organising it.

Our September Run

A glorious Sunday morning on the 20th September saw us all meet up at the Sunnyside Cafe, Market Rasen for Laurence and Jane Gray's run. The run explored parts of the county not visited before with some spectacular views across the Humber and Trent. One of the group was heard to remark "I've seen bits of the Wolds I've never seen before!". The weather was perfect, sunny and dry with just enough chill to keep you on your toes.

The run ended at Mathew and Sarah's Triumph restoration workshop in Lincoln where a first class buffet meal together with drinks allowed those that had not visited before to take a tour of the workshop or just simply enjoy the company and food. Thanks to Laurence, Jane, Sarah and Mathew for all the arrangements.

TR Register Autumn Ball

This year's Autumn Ball hosted by the Cumbria Group was held once again at Bowness in the Lake District. For once the weather in the Lakes was superb with warm sunny days over the whole weekend. The organisers had arranged a varied and interesting programme of events with a welcoming "tea and cake" on the Friday followed by an informal buffet and an excellent wine tasting in the evening.

Saturday brought another excellent day with a run around the lakes and out to the coast. The highlight being an interesting passage along the Hardknott Pass where your heart ended up in your mouth ( and other things elsewhere) on every turn. Probably Knott one to be repeated!!!

Saturday evening culminated in the now traditional ball.

For those still able to stand on Sunday morning a gentle run down the edge of Windermere to the Lakeside Car Museum closed a great weekend. Thanks to the Cumbria group for all the arrangements

and finally .............

New Member

A warm welcome to Ken Butler from Carlton le Moreland who joins TR Lincs group this month. Hope to see you soon Ken

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times