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Leicestershire TR Group invade Scarborough

Leicestershire TR Group invade Scarborough

9 cars met up for a weekend in Scarborough, organized by Tony and Ruth. We stopped for a pub lunch on the Friday before we arrived at the Headlands hotel close to the North Bay. Despite the rather blustery weather a few people went for a walk to the beach, via a coffee and cake shop of course!

After an excellent Italian meal on the Friday evening, we set off on Saturday for a drive to Whitby, led by John and Helene Dennison from Yorkshire. Our choice of weekend was maybe not the best, Storm Callum was battering the west coast of England, but at least we had changed venue from Blackpool to Scarborough! We arrived in Whitby in rain, but it soon cleared, leaving some members to look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

By the time we left Whitby the sun was shining, and the clouds were flying past at an incredible rate. As we seemed to lose Tony as our tour guide occasionally, he was given a ceremonial stick of rock to hold aloft as we walked around!

We then drove over the moors, including through a ford, en route to Runswick Bay for a buffet lunch. A bracing walk down to the bay after lunch, then it was another enjoyable drive over the moors towards Pickering.

Another good meal in the evening, then we staggered back to our hotel.

Sadly Sunday was largely a wash out, as the rain which had flooded so much of the west coast of England finally arrived on the east coast. We drove up to Oliver's Mount in Scarborough, had a coffee, then some people departed for home straight way while others drove down to Bomber Command in Lincolnshire for a pub lunch. A good weekend, and thanks again to Tony and Ruth for their organization, also to John and Helene for the Saturday route.

Leicestershire Group

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