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Leicestershire TR Group New Year's dinner was a real TRiumph of organisation

Leicestershire TR Group New Year's dinner was a real TRiumph of organisation

The LTRG celebrated the New Year in style at the Millers Hotel, Sibson attended by 66 group members and TR friends from up and down the country. The organising team of Jennie, Ruth and Irene with support from Andy and Tony with special guest star Ian are to be congratulated on their achievement. The theme was world travel and this was picked up throughout the evening, from the room and table decorations to the fun and games.

As for Jennie appearing as a Geisha, Ruth as a lovey lady from India and Ian as Tonto, surprises were coming think and fast.

The raffle raised £500 for the local Air Ambulance with winners receiving some amazing prizes that Andy had squeezed out of local suppliers and group members. There was universal praise for the food and service from the Millers Hotel, they really worked hard. One of the delightful waitresses only got to bed at 3.00 in the morning and was up again at 6.30 to sort out our breakfast, amazing commitment. Well done to all.

Awards were handed out with the prestigious Wheel Spinner award for an outstanding contribution to the group being given to Robert and Gaylene for their Dingly races and BBQ event in the summer, a real highlight of the LTRG year. The much coveted Pratt of the Year award, a framed pair of Rachel's knickers, was given to Mick F. for failing to leave his TR3 in gear thus allowing it to roll down a hill into a building at the IWE. If you are going to make a pratt of yourself, do it in public.

Our thanks go to everybody who helped put this event together but in particular to Jennie, Ruth and Irene, you are awesome.

Leicestershire Group

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