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Leicestershire TR Group AGM reports another great year

Leicestershire TR Group AGM reports another great year

Yes, folks you can now come back to the next meeting, all those people who were sick or busy as the AGM is over for another year. The good news is that the group elected the same team as last year so it will be another action packed year. Tony presented a review of the year as follows:

Well, what a year packed with great events. Delivered by group members in the spirit of friendship, inclusivity and enthusiasm the very core values of the TR Register.

Please forgive me if I have missed out any events out or indeed forgotten to mention any specific contribution in my review of the year. If I have I know that you will let me know! Heckling is always welcome!!

January - Un-Christmas Dinner – A fun filled night. A great ambience and how could we forget Santa and his Elf!! Thank you to Jennie, Andy and Ian for their efforts on our behalf.

Feb/March - LTRG Members enjoyed outings to Marrakesh Morrocan Evg, Billesdon Sunday Lunch and a Pie Night at Beaumanor Hall.

April - First Run Out – Crich Tramway Museum – Great venue and it was lovely to share the day with our friends from the Nene Valley Group and John and Charlie from the Wharfedale Group.

April - HBVC "Drive It Day" – LTRG visited Bletchley Museum. Always a brilliant day out. Our thanks to Ann and Colin. LTRG were also represented on the "Stilton Cheese Run" and the "Haggerty Charity Run" to Bicester.

May - May Day Weekend – Spoilt for choice LTRG Members attended the North London Group "TR & TIARA Wkd", "Welsh Traws Wkd" and Donnington Historic Festival.

May – Dingley Races near Market Harborough - Very well supported by the gamblers and rounded off by what can only be described as a magnificent barbeque. Thank you to Robert and Gaylene.

June - Ruth and I attended the Braunlage German Meeting in the company of our friends from the Derbyshire Dales Group. An incredible event in excellent company at which we were spoiled from the start to the finish.

June – Red Rose Weekend – LTRG had a strong attendance and we were treated to an excellent weekend with good food/beer and some magnificent tours. Raises the bar for our LTRG Weekend June 2018!!

July – TR International Weekend, Malvern – Lots of good food, beer and wine in good company surrounded by TRs. What more can you ask for. Well done to our TR Register Directors and their army of helpers. However praise must go to Girish and his wife for the excellent Chicken Tikka on Friday Night, to Paul and Andy M for the Lemon Chicken Starter, Lamb Kleftiko ad Raspberry Sweet and to Andy H for the bulging Breakfast Baps!!

August – Stonehurst Farm and Belvoir Brewery Run. A good day was had by all. Our thanks to Martin and Sue.

September – European Meeting Dijon – Six cars attended what was described as the gastronomical, wine and entertainment event of the year!! Well done to the Triumph Club de France Team.

October – LTRG Bournemouth Weekend – Twelve cars attended. A great weekend made brilliant by the celebration of Reg and Irene's Golden Wedding Anniversary and most importantly God smiled on us and delivered warm and sunny weather.

October – LTRG Final Runout – Thirteen cars made the trip. Apparently the trawlers had to go out to get more fish and fisherman had to scavenge the beaches for more mussels!! Our thanks to Martin Ward.

In between all these events Phil and others have brought us together for some amazing raids on Local TR Group Meetings, Exhibitions (MG/Triumph, Restoration Stoneleigh, Classic NEC etc) and Local Car Shows Quorn, Hinckley and Oadby etc. We have also attended the Group Leaders Meeting and the TR Register AGM.

How did we fit it all in no wonder the years fly by. To quote one of our members "These little cars put a smile on so many faces, take us to so many interesting places all in good company, with good food and of course good beer"!!!

Before I finish I must thank personally –

  • My Deputies Andy Holyoak and Phil Gunn without whom many of our events would just not happen. A big thank you.
  • The Website, Tripe and Social Scene Team - Mick Forey, Linda Forey, Martin Faulkner and Sue Faulkner who have taken our presence on the TR Register Website to new levels and have produced a superb TRipe Magazine each month. Well done and a big thank you to you all.
  • The LTRG Group Members for their loyal and enthusiastic support this year. Thank you.

What can come next?

Chef and Spice night - 21st November

So far 134 tickets have been sold, including 22 to the TR group. There are 16 left, so contact Ruth asap if you want to go. There will be a separate TR table. As the theme is the local Air Ambulance, they will be doing a short talk, followed by presentation of a cheque for about £1500. They will also receive the proceeds of a raffle taking place on the night.

December meeting

This will be a skittles night, with food, starting around 7.15 - 7.30. Please wear a party hat! Tony will be sending round a separate email asking for details of food choices. Having this event at the pub will count towards our functions for the year, that allow us to have the meeting room free.

New Year Party

All 70 tickets have been sold. Please send money to Martin asap (bank transfer preferred, cheque or cash also ok). If doing a bank transfer, please put your name and event in for info. Please also email him to let him know you have done it, and let Ruth know your menu choices.

If this sounds like something you want to join in on then give Tony a call on 07768 558 824 or drop him an email at, we would love to see you at an event or meeting sometime soon.

Leicestershire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times