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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 298

Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 298

Early March saw 26 members attend the Friday Pie Night at Beaumanor Hall, and as always another really good evening, hence it is now a regular event on our calendar.

Now the warmer weather is finally here we can start getting out and about in the cars again. Our first run out on 2nd April was to Crich Tramway Village, a very successful day, with cars from Nene Valley, Derbyshire Dales and Wharfedale groups joining us too. The weather was dry so it was lovely to be able to keep the hoods down all day. We parked on site, with some cars along the main street, next to the tram lines, and others in a square near the tram terminus. There was plenty of time to ride on the trams and visit the museum. Lunch was provided in a function room in the Victorian pub, a building which had originally been in Stoke, but had been rebuilt at Crich rather than being demolished.

For Drive It Day, there was a large turnout for a run to Bletchley Park, in collaboration with TSSC, with 15 cars in total.

May Day weekend saw Leicester members at the Donington Historic, a large contingent at the Traws Cumbria weekend, and the TR and Tiara Tour.

We are also setting up our summer group raids where we just turn up at another group's meeting. It's a good way to meet fellow TR enthusiasts, and kick some different rubber. We've always been made very welcome, in the same way that we always welcome visitors to our meetings.

We meet every 3rd Thursday at the Gate Hangs Well in Syston, come along and join in, you will be very welcome.

Future Events:

7-9 July - As usual, there will be a large Leicestershire group at the International Weekend Malvern

6th August - Stonehurst Farm and Motor Museum, with lunch at the Belvoir brewery, followed by a brewery tour.

Leicestershire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times