Click here for details of the BMC Show at the British Motor Museum,Gaydon

Kennet Valley TR Group First Club Night of 2018 Well attended

Kennet Valley TR Group First Club Night of 2018 Well attended

Kennet Valley TR Group's first meeting of 2018 saw circa 28 members attend to flush out the cobwebs of the festive season, ably run by David Westwood & Michael Field in the absence of Phil Horsley due to business travel, everyone enjoyed a good natter & noggin and evening meal at the Angel, Woolhampton.

Dave & Mike gave the KVG news and events presentation containing the next 3 months events, as well as TR Register news, including details of obtaining original registration numbers, and new MOT exemptions details for the older cars. Download a copy here: 1.-Club-night-10-01-18.pdf

Kennet Valley TR Group also welcomed new member David Jones, David has a navy TR4, red TR5, a yellow TR6 and a Stag, We look forward to seeing more of David and his partner in the future.

Mike also reminded members during the meeting that we are just two short years away from the KVG 50th anniversary. Inaugurated in 1970, originally as the Butt Inn group, changing shortly after to Kennet Valley. With this in mind your committee wants to know what you would like to do in 2020, for our 50 year celebrations. Ideas can be passed to any committee member, emailed to me or our GL, or come and talk to us. Planning needs to start soon, or the 50th anniversary time will soon creep up on us. There is a committee meeting the end of this month, and would like to agenda in some ideas, please. Also it's our AGM in March, 'new blood' is always welcome on the committee, so if you would like to be part of the groups organisation and running, Phil would like to hear from you.

A group of around 10 members and friends have booked for The Battle Of the Proms, held at Highclere Castle (home of Downton Abbey) on the 4th August, and tickets are available at discounted rates, JUST FOR THIS MONTH. You can buy tickets here: Battle Proms Tickets Highclere Castle, It is a great event, we went in 2016, and this year is special as it celebrates the 100 yr anniversary of the end of WW1. In due course, and after you have booked, if you let us know and we will try and arrange an area all together.

Our next meeting on February 7th, we have David Keen visiting us to present a talk on Amy Johnson, all members welcome, details can be found here: Kennet Valley TR Group February Club Night

Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times