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DRIVE IT DAY - Bicester Scramble enjoyed by 47 TR Register Cars plus 4 TR's tour into Wiltshire

DRIVE IT DAY - Bicester Scramble enjoyed by 47 TR Register Cars plus 4 TR's tour into Wiltshire

Drive it Day started with a grey sleeting morning but turned into a well attended TR Register event at Bicester Heritage Centre.

TR Register members from Kennet Valley, North London, Leicester, Nene Valley, White Horse and Chiltern Groups populated the TR Register plot, 47 TR's in all made a very impressive display of this great marque. The Bicester Scramble is evermore popular and there were an estimated 1,000+ great classic cars in attendance, it is fast developing into a classic vehicle centre of excellence.

As part of Drive It Day, Kennet Valley, White Horse and Some Chiltern TR's then had a nice run through the Oxfordshire countryside, a big thanks to John & Jackie Edmonds for there very well put together 'tulip' route, we ended up at Notcutts, Oxford where Jonathan Tew - Manager had reserved parking for us to display our cars beside his lovely Triumph 1500 and kindly provided a voucher for all classic owners to have a drink and cake for afternoon tea. Some local MG car club members also joined in.

A great day out for all stretching the legs of our TR's after the winter with a great finish to the day at Notcutts, thank you everyone and look forward to our next event at Bicester and Notcutts.

DRIVE IT DAY in Wiltshire.

Two KVG and two White Horse enjoyed their Drive it day in the Wiltshire countryside, They met up at Silbury Hill, drove on to Caen Hill locks at Devizes for a wander by the canal and then on to the Atwell Wilson Motor Museum where there was a good mix of classics in the car park.

Another great Drive it Day stretching the legs of our TR's after Winter, looking forward to our next event and see you there.

Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times