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Kennet Valley TR Group - Christmas Party

Kennet Valley TR Group - Christmas Party

Yes it's time to start thinking about booking your place at our Xmas Bash which will be held at the same venue as last year the Wroxton House Hotel, Wroxton, Banbury and has been organised by Karen Woolnough

You can opt to stop one or 2 nights B&B plus the Party night with disco inclusive of dinner, please make your menu selection below putting the name of each person by the menu choice. We are asking a £50.00 deposit with the balance paid at December club night, so get you dancing shoes on and get booked for this fantastic event.

Just Saturday 16th - 3 course meal, wine, coffee, disco plus B&B, £142 per couple

N.B.: Friday 15th - B&B £74 per couple

Both Friday & Saturday £216 per couple

Booking form below, please return to Phil Horsley


N.B.: Priority of booking will be given to KVG members

Kennet Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times