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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 287

Alan Ford says:

The late summer and autumn offered splendid colours in the Derbyshire Peak and Dales- well worth a journey in a TR just for the views! Eat your heart out all you others if you have been driving your TRs elsewhere!

Welcome to new members: Peter and Kay Callender, with a 2+2 Series 1 E Type in their garage, but no TR (yet!); Alan & Val Jones, currently improving an emerald green '6', now running out-and-about but bought as a 'project'car 2 or 3 years ago; and Michael and Irma Miller with their recently acquired white '6', who are returning back to classic motoring after a few years of 'sensible' cars.

The well-attended October club night saw our annual quiz hosted by John & Lynne Biggin. As usual, we were raided by the Leicester mob who once again stole the 'bragging rights' of First Place. That one of their team was seen conferring on his mobile seemed to escape the adjudicators, the guilty party swearing blind he was merely checking the telephone number of his aged aunt.

At the end of October Steve & Julie organized a visit to the Rolls Royce Heritage Centre, in Derby – a joint meeting with the Stag Club. At the side of reception was a stained-glass window which had been removed from the old works, paid for by the workers honouring the pilots in the war. However the Centre mainly focussed on aero & marine engines from early piston engines through to the latest turbo engines. All present were mightily impressed. However, if you have to ask the price, sir, you can't afford one!

At the November Pie & Pea Supper meeting the Photobooks commemorating the Derbyshire Dales 25th year inauguration were distributed to those who had ordered them, and further copies of these will remain available to anyone interested.

Several of our Group made their way to the N.E.C. Classic Car show; Ah! such things dreams are made of!

Several Derbyshire Dales members have gone/are planning TRips abroad. Our illustrious Group Leader went off with 3 others to Abu Dhabi for the Grand Prix, celebrating a 'significant birthday' whilst there. Some say 'not looking bad for his age'. Others don't agree. Meanwhile several of our members are planning their trips to Italy, Ireland and the Spa Classic.

My better half was in Guernsey recently and was talking to a residentTR6 owner who, it transpired, as a child during WW11 was evacuated from Guernsey to Derbyshire and spent the war in Great Hucklow, just over the hill from where we live. Small world!

Forthcoming events in 2016:

January 13th – Club night at the Amber Hotel

January 23rd – Annual Dinner at the White Hart, Moorwood Moor

February 20th – Club Night at the Amber Hotel, and the Derbyshire Dales A.G.M. Any gripes, please air them. Better still, get involved!

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times