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Social Scene Report - TR Action Issue 282

Maurice Davey writes: "Firstly an apology for the lack of news in the last magazine. My only excuse is being on holiday for a couple of months and therefore somewhat out of touch. Since returning I have been endeavouring to catch up with the latest goings on.
Our March Club Night was a great success with Dave Burgess running a Quiz all about Transport. My team thought it was hard except for the TR parts in Jiffy bags which were alright for those practiced at feeling soft and pliant things. It was lost on my team I'm afraid. However the winners were the raiding party from Leicester again. Well done to them although rumour has it they had access to the questions before hand. Only kidding? We all enjoyed the evening and a big thanks to Dave for all the hard work and the pies afterwards.
The Annual dinner in January was a success and around fifty members attended at the White Hart. I was told our Group Leader was still dancing after everyone had gone home and with a stuffed animal. Could this be true or a vicious story?
We have several new members in our area only one of which I have met so far. Pete Bates lives in Swanwick and owns a mimosa TR6, 1973. He bought it in January and it was last on the road in 2005 and needs recommissioning. Pete sounds like a chap in the trade and is well capable of restoring the car so we look forward to seeing him at our events in the near future.
The other new members are: Simon Scargill from Ashbourne, Mike Stoddart from Swadlingcote, Mark Simpson, James Hare and Gary Flinn. If you are reading this, then please come along to our meetings, you will be made welcome and you will see a thriving, active Group.
Drive it Day will be soon upon us and Peter Jenkinson has made all the arrangements. I will be able to report on this next time. Donington Historic Festival promises to be another great event as will be Silverstone Classic in July. There is so much to choose from throughout the summer and plenty to write about in the future.
Finally, I have been informed that our new Club Chairman does NOT want to see pictures in the magazine of members without cars. Cars have to feature so out with group photos of lunches, dinners etc. As I do not have any recent pictures as cars have been still locked away in the winter I thought I would include a picture for the ladies which should comply with the edict from on high. It shows the engine bay of a TR4, notice the electronic ignition, battery cut off switch and twin Strombergs. Complaints please on a post card to the TR Register HQ."

Derbyshire Dales Group

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