TR Register
For all TR enthusiasts
past, present & future
What better way to end the year than a letter of thanks and certificate of appreciation for our fundraising this year...
This year has almost flashed by, and there will be just one more newsletter to look forward to in 2016...... Not to worry, there is plenty to be getting on with this month, including a few excellent c...
As the show season dies down, there is getting less and less to report, so I hope this falls short of boring the pants off everyone, but November promises to be fairly active with the TRR AGM, NEC Cla...
Thankfully no errors, apologies, corrections and omissions from last month’s newsletter (as far as members have made me aware), so straight into a review of events since we last met at the Fleece.
We start this month with a few corrections and clarifications from last month‟s newsletter:- Charles Taverner wrote to me to say that the section about his attendance at Churchill had caused him seve...
Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times