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Posts posted by jemgee

  1. I had an inkling of PI problems when my boss in Jamaica in 1970's imported a new 2000 (2500?) with PI. You cannot believe the the problems for him with the BL dealer in Montego Bay who had never even heard of it. (We couldn't get tubeless tyres repaired - in those days it used to be with rubber plugs imported from uk - but because the government had decided to try to encourage local manufacture and banned importation before start up. For about 9 months we had tyres repaired with strips of inner tube to form the plug. Mind you the roads and potholes meant you never went over 20mph in town and about 40 max in the country!


    I bought a 72 CP with PI in 2003 and had 2 strokes of luck - 1st time at Malvern I had the engine tune guys give it a service and then 5 years on after a bad dose of misfiring caused by low octane fuel at a Traws Cambria weekend I decided to get Malcolm at Prestige to renew injectors, metering unit and set up with underslung throttle linkage.


    I can honestly I have had no other problems - the more likely culprit is electrical - usually dizzy cap, rotor arm and points.

  2. Ian


    Thanks for the response. Not done it yet but I had come to the conclusion that I should try that first using the top pin and then pack the bottom hinge. If the top hinge holes are too loose or ovalled I assumed it would be possible to drill and use an oversize pin?

  3. Drivers door has wear in top hinge resulting in door dropping and catching top of B post. Also the detent arm is broken.


    I have a S/H hinge which I would like to canabalise ie use the pins and detent arm without needing to have the existing hinge completely cut out and rewelded in.


    Has anyone done this - is it possible and are there any tips/problems to be aware of?

  4. The only thing is I would end up going back to Malcolm at Prestige as he set up the under throttle linkage as well as replacing the MU and injectors!


    For the cost of a couple of plugs I will give it a try. I know a few others have used BP6ES on cyls 5&6. I also wonder if the single K&N trumpet filter at the end of the flex hose is giving 1&2 a few extra gasps of air

  5. I checked my plugs last weekend after 3K miles and although gaps were ok only 1 and 2 were biscuit coloured, 3 and 4 were dark toast colour and 5 and 6 looked a bit sooty.

    The existing plugs are BP5ES in 1 to 4 and BP6ES in 5 and 6. I am thinking of trying new 5's in 1and 2, new 6's in 3 and 4 and if available BP7ES in 5 and 6. Hiopefully as the plugs will run hotter I will achieve perfection!


    Anyone tried this route??

  6. I always put spare wheel in boot upside down (or take foam repair can and no spare) and fill space in and around it with every conceivable spare and tools I can fit in. Also take back liner out and pack things like spare hoses around the petrol tank. I have a large piece of carpet to fit whole boot floor instead of taking the rigid panel. Next to the battery I wedge a l litre bottle of oil, water and brake fluid held in with bungee cord. Emergency triangle duct taped into inside front wing. Yellow vests and flat socket sets - slide under seats. This leaves glove box, door pockets, behind seats etc and boot completely clear for everythiing else.

  7. Hi Alec

    So whats the way forward if ATF is already in the box - is it necessary to drain and refill with a couple of hours running, and then drain and re-fill again for long term use? or as ATF is so thin there will be little to worry about - just drain and re-fill.

  8. Love the word trafficator from Ian's post. Brings back memories of the semaphore indicator on my father's first Morris Minor (split screen 1953 in black). Used to have same problem with the contacts in the festoon bulb in them. The next Minor (new in 59) had the new fangled 'blinkers' :rolleyes:

  9. I need to replace a side window but today I have been told that new windows are of thinner glass than the originals and they can rattle.


    Any one got an original they are willing to part with?

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