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Everything posted by SteveBaker

  1. Thanks guys, I'm now hopefully sorted on this one. I found a guy who had a spare diff that Tom had rebuilt previously, it was kept as a spare, picking up this week. I appreciate your responses.
  2. I’ve searched for answers without success.
  3. Has anybody had any experience of fitting a Speedi sleeve on a less than perfect crank? I'm wondering if I have to remove the lip on the back of the sleeve, if I do need to is there enough room to do so? I imagine the lip would be up against the face of the bearing or the block preventing it being torn off backwards.
  4. I have a bad leak from the rear crank seal probably caused to the car sitting for long periods prior to my ownership. I now have the gearbox out and it's off for repair so I have access to the leaking seal. There is no groove around the end of the crank but there does seem to be a ridge to the rear of the flat surface the seal runs on, I have bought a speedi sleeve but I'm unsure whether I really need to fit it. If I do go ahead and fit it - which is the likely option at the moment - do I need to tear the lip from the back of the seal? When I have watched videos of this being done the lip is t
  5. Thanks Hamish Tom’s name has been mentioned to me by someone else so I may give him a call. Steve
  6. Hi Mike, I’m interested, please email me details on stevebaker267@gmail.com steve
  7. I’m just having some work done on my gearbox and decided to remove my goodparts Nissan LSD upgrade at the same time. I had a rebuilt 6 diff to go back in but having had someone look at it it’s been condemned as not good enough. So the question is who are the best people to talk to about finding a replacement. I have an old diff that can be rebuilt but I need to get the car back on the road in May ready for a trip to Jersey. Any ideas? Before anyone asks, the Nissan diff is great but it’s approximately 3.9-1 so not great for long distance travel. If anyone wants to build a hill climb car the
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