30th June 2024
Thatcham Classic Car Show

The Thatcham Classic car show will be on the Henwick Sports Field. No booking or tickets needed, just turn up.
The venue remains the same, Henwick Field. Arrive and leave whenever you wish, we will be setting up around 08.30 and looking to clear away around 16.30.
Once again, pre registering is not required and if the weather is as good as last year there will be no excuses for not bringing your babies out for the day. A little bit of arm twisting will be applied for a contribution to help our donations to local needy cases.
As the above indicates this is not just a Car Show as there are numerous stalls and demonstrations organised by Thatcham T C so it really is a fun day for all.
Please encourage friends, fellow club members etc to attend, all vehicles which you may feel would be of interest including commercial, military, motor bikes, scooters and anything else which we can leave to your imagination.