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14th May 2024

Inglewood, Car Meet.

Inglewood, Car Meet.

 .                            Inglewood House Meet.

Mike Fields is liaising with this venue for a small classic car display at Inglewood House, on Tuesday 14th May - from 2pm.
The restaurant will be open for drinks and light snacks/cake, but there is also the option to turn up earlier and have a lunch beforehand. (Booking will be required).
If you have a spare afternoon on the 14th May, or perhaps book for lunch beforehand, please come along. It will be a good opportunity for a photo-shoot too.
It's a 'first time' event, it will include a charity donation, and I'll update information when I know more.
Please let me know if you are interested and able to attend and sign up below.

You can also sign up with Mike on the KVG Facebook page.