17th March 2024
East Riding Group - Cobwebs Run 17 March 2024

It’s that time again!
This is the calling note for the 2024 Cobwebs Run for the 17th March.
We will start from Deepdale, leaving by the Eastern exit towards Bishop Burton with a start time of 10:30 hrs. It will be a relatively short run in case we are dealt inclement weather. Please let us know if you will be attending. Also menu choices will be required but at the moment the venue is still to confirm the final menu. We will send this out as soon as available.
Please come in your classic car if at all possible and blow those cobwebs away!
Roger & Anita
Email: roger.myers@bonga.co.uk
Rog Mob: 07870 540272
Anita Mob: 07870 540265