16th July 2023
Cleveland Group TR Register - Newby Hall Historic Vehicle Rally
On Sunday 16th July, Newby Hall will be surrounded by vintage and
classic cars, for the North’s biggest one-day car show – the annual
Historic Vehicle Rally.
Cleveland Group will be attending.
At present, you will have to complete a NECPWA application form. Unless you are a NECPWA member, there is an entry fee of £5 per vehicle.
Read more at Newby Hall webpage and at NECPWA webpage.
Alternatively, you may have already given yourname and registration number to Allen or Trevor and you should have been sent an email which if you print it out, has a code on it that can be scanned as you arrive at Newby Hall.
We will meet at the southbound Exelby Services on the A19 (DL6 3LG) at around 9:00am, leaving at 9:15am.
Please let Allen know if you intend to join us.