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15th August 2022

TS2 Comes to Lincolnshire

TS2 Comes to Lincolnshire

TS2 Comes to TR Lincs!

As many of you already know, TS2 the iconic TR Register owned car, is undertaking a round Britain tour starting in April 2022.

TS2 is scheduled to be with us in Lincolnshire on Monday 15th August to Tuesday 16th August 2022.

A sub-group has been set up to organise the logistics and the events to allow as many as possible to see and hopefully drive TS2 while it is with us.

The sub-group is Adrian Lawton (GL), Phil O'Hara, David McDonald and Jim Geoghegan.

We are at early days in the detailed planning but the outline programme is as follows.

Monday 15th

Tour around the county of Lincolnshire with a number of scheduled stops for as many TR Register members and the general public to see the car as possible.  Look out for more details, including invitations for drivers and support, in due course.

Tuesday 16th

After a well earned rest at a secret location overnight, TS2 will be heading for the Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre to rub shoulder with the iconic Just Jane Lancaster Bomber and many other classic exhibits of the era.  We hope also to have members of other classic car clubs present on the day to admire TS2 and of course the exhibits at East Kirkby.  What a photograph it would be with TS2 under Just Janes wings!
If you would like to get involved in some way with TS2 while it's with us then please let me know via the usual channels.

Keep watching for more updates!