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6th August 2022

TR East Midlands Area Belated 50th Anniversary Meet

TR East Midlands Area Belated 50th Anniversary Meet

The TR Register celebrated its 50th birthday 2020 and due to Covid we were unable to commemorate the event that each region of the TR Register has been tasked with arranging a suitable celebration.

the good news is that for our East Midlands region (TR Lincs, Derby Dales, Leicester and Nene Valley) the event has been rescheduled for the 6th August, 2022 at the aptly named Manifold Inn, Hulme End Nr. Buxton. We expect to get around 150 to 200 cars attending with free catering and surprises laid on. Accommodation is available (Hotel, B&B and camping) for those that want to stay over, or you may just wish to attend for the day. Full details will be sent out later but, in the meantime, put this event in your diary to join in the belated 50th anniversary of our club. If you wish to attend or book one of the limited number of rooms then please get in touch as soon as possible.