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8th May 2022

TR Register Digital AGM 2022

TR Register Digital AGM 2022

The new date for the Annual General Meeting is Sunday 8th May 2022 at 11am. It will be held digitally, starting at 11 am. 

All members can attend, but registration is a requirement due to the need for us to send you the link to click and also to set up your user account through which you can cast your votes, ask questions and access the online platform. Please ensure therefore that you use an email that is current and that you have access to when registering. Click the button below to register.

Please register your attendance: 

Click here to register - we will create an account to enable you to access the meeting, vote and ask questions via the text chat window. 

Reporting period: 

Following membership approval to change the accounting period for TR Owners’ Club Limited to fall in line with the calendar year (approved at the EGM of 14/08/21) the reporting periods for this meeting will be as follows:

  • 1st March 2020 – 28th February 2021  
  • 1st March 2021 – 31st December 2021


Nominations for management team received: 3rd March 2022

Proposals for resolutions via email to (please include proposer and seconder details): 3rd March 2022

Proxy Voting opens: 7th March 2022

Register attendance: 17:00 5th May 2022. 

Proxy Voting closes: 11:00 AM. 6th May 2022. 

Proxy Voting:

You can continue to assign your proxy vote to either the Chairman or an individual and specify which way you wish them to vote, or leave it to their discretion.

Proxy Voting has re-opened and will close 48 - hours before the meeting is due to begin (Friday 6th May 2022 at 11am).

All proxy votes lodged for the adjourned meeting will be kept and carried over to the new virtual AGM date, there will not be a change to the agenda and therefore you will not be required to re-register them.
So, you can continue to register your proxy vote if you wish. You can find a guide to proxy voting here.

To register your proxy and instruct their vote - simply click the button below.

Register your Proxy vote here.


Proxy Voting Guide

AGM Minutes for approval (2020) 

Directors Nomination Form (fill and sign digitally, email to 

Accounts ending February 28th 2021 

Accounts ending December 31st 2021

Directors' reports for Chairman, Finance and International Directors. 


Introduction and welcome, including notices for venue health and safety.

Item 1. To receive apologies for absence and introduction.

Item 2. To approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 2020

Item 3. To receive and if considered appropriate adopt the Accounts for the year ended 28th February 2021 as published here.

Item 3.1. To receive and if considered appropriate adopt the Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2021 as published here.

Item 4. To appoint Wellers Accountants, Oxford as the Independent Reviewer of the Accounts.

Item 5. To receive reports from the Directors of the club.

Item 6. To approve any nominations for Honorary Membership received.

Item 7. To elect the Directors of the TR Register (TR Owners’ Club Limited)

7.1 Chairman

7.2 Vice Chairman

7.3 Finance Director (incumbent not standing for re-election)

7.4 International Director

7.5 North - West

7.6 Scotland

7.7 North-East (incumbent not standing for re-election)

7.8 Midlands

7.9 East Midlands

7.10 East

7.11 South East

7.12 South West

7.13 South Central (incumbent not standing for re-election)

7.14 Wales and West

7.15 Youth Director

Item 8. To adopt the subscription rates and tiers as proposed. The Directors propose to hold the rates of subscription at the current levels.

Item 9. To elect an Honorary President for the TR Register. The Directors of the TR Owners’ Club Limited nominate the appointment of Tom Purves.

Tom Purves Biography:

  • Educated at Daniel Stewart’s College Edinburgh.
  • Engineering Student Apprentice at Rolls-Royce Car Division Crewe.
  • 19 Years with Rolls-Royce in UK Switzerland and Kuwait last role UK Sales Director.
  • 26 Years with BMW Group in UK and USA as Sales then Managing Director BMW (GB) then Sales Director Rover Group and President of BMW North America. Returned to UK as CEO Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Goodwood.
  • Chairman of Royal Automobile Club for 6 years
  • Presently Chairman Motorsport UK Council and Board member, member FIA Audit Committee, FIA Environment and Sustainability Commission, FIA Heritage Commission. I am a non-Executive Director of Cox Powertrain in Shoreham
  • Honorary member of Royal Automobile Club (Vice President), Goodwood Road Racing Club, British Automobile Racing Club,20 Ghost Club.
  • Member Scottish Motor Racing Club, Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts Club, Hill Climb and Sprint Association, Morgan Sports Car Club, Manx Motor Racing Club.

Tom Purves says,

“My association with TR sports cars started at age 5 when my father then Sales Director of Rossleigh Ltd Standard Triumph Distributors in Edinburgh and the East of Scotland drove me at over 100mph on the Maybury Road. I liked the cut down doors the lovely instruments the click of the gearbox and the rumble of the exhaust. As an apprentice at Crewe I owned a TR3 and later as Rover Group Sales Director and a Trustee of Gaydon I drove a TR3A in events always in preference to the alternative MG or Austin Healey cars in the collection. On retirement from full time employment I bought the best TR3A I could find, an ex concours winning British Racing Green car and took part in various HERO and HRCA Rallys, Concours including the Concours of Excellence at Windsor Castle and Hollyrood Palace. I concluded the most fun that suited me best was hillclimbing and Sprinting and have now competed for a number of years in the Revington TR Register Sprint and Hillclimb Championship as well as individual events including the Manx Classic ,Boness Revival, and Yorkshire Motorsport Festival. I drive the car to and from the events and enjoy those journeys as much as the competitive runs.

The car is now a well developed fast road car running on twin Webers, a high compression alloy head, roller rockers big valves , competition springs and dampers and rack and pinion steering. Most of the work on the car has been done by Protek at Wallingford but I have used Racetorations,Tr Enterprises and Revington for particular parts or specialised repairs.All have provided good service and advice.I have attended my local Chiltern Group at different events and respect the friendly leadership of Peter Bowden.

I am a poor but enthusiastic golfer, like rugby music and reading and along with my Norwegian wife of 46 years enjoy our 4 Grandchildren currently resident in Hong Kong and New York State. I am honoured to be asked to serve as Honorary President and will endeavour to contribute to the reputation and success of the Club.”

Item 10. Special resolutions. The following special resolutions should be voted on following examination of the full details of each resolution and directors’ recommendation.

10.1 -The Directors propose that the existing Clause 22(1), which states:

An Honorary President of the Club may be nominated by the Directors and elected at the Annual General Meeting to hold office for a period for life”.

be replaced with the following:

Clause 22(1) An Honorary President of the Club may be nominated by the Directors and elected by a vote of the members at an Annual General Meeting to hold office for a period of three years, until the end of the Annual General Meeting following the third year.

By mutual agreement between the Honorary President and the Club’s Directors the Honorary President may hold office for a further three years without standing for re-election.

At the end of this second period of office the Honorary President must stand for re-election by the members at the Annual General Meeting.

The period of notice for nomination as Honorary President shall be 30 days from the date of receipt of nomination to expire on the day before the Annual General Meeting. The nomination from the Directors must be accompanied by a statement of disclosure stating the nominee’s business and motoring interests.


Item 11 – Ordinary Resolutions. The following ordinary resolutions should be voted on following examination of the full details of each resolution and directors’ recommendation.

None received at present - deadline 3rd March 11:59pm via email to including details of your nomination, proposer and seconder. 

Formal meeting closes followed by Q&A for members to ask questions of the Management Team. 

NOTE: Meeting that was due to be held on 3 April was adjourned, below you can read the original announcement of that fact for reference:

The Chairman adjourned the Annual General Meeting that was to be held at The British Motor Museum, Gaydon on Sunday 3rd April 2022.

There are three key reasons for this decision:

- There are currently insufficient members registered to attend. The TR Owners’ Club Limited (TR Register) are required by our Articles of Association to have fifty members present at the General Meeting for it to be quorate. No formal business may therefore be transacted.

- The office and management team have received several correspondences from concerned members, stating that they have taken the decision not to attend the General Meeting specifically due to the risk of catching Covid-19 and this decision, whilst perfectly understandable, has had a dramatic effect on our expected attendance at the AGM. We are also aware of several visitors to the club stand at the NEC Restoration Show who, following their visit to the show, subsequently caught Covid. There is a current surge in cases in the UK, especially in the upper age groups, so it is therefore not appropriate to put members at risk by holding a physical General Meeting at this time.

- There is insufficient time to organise and prepare a virtual meeting where members can participate remotely by Sunday 3rd April with the quality and participation tools that members rightly expect.
Under the Articles of Association of the club, the Chairman must adjourn the General Meeting if the meeting is not quorate. In our case, this requires 50 members to be present.

The Chairman may adjourn a general meeting to protect the safety of any person(s) attending the meeting.
When adjourning a General Meeting the Chairman must either specify the time or place to which it is to be adjourned or state that it is to continue at a time and place to be decided by the Directors.

It is the Chairman’s intention to state that the meeting will continue at a time and date to be determined by the Directors, but will now be held digitally rather than in person.

A minimum of 7 days’ notice must be given of the continuation of the meeting, but the Chairman would intend to give a minimum of 21 days’ notice. All proxy votes registered will remain valid.
Members will be notified of the continuation date and how to register for and access the meeting link for the digital AGM via TR Action Magazine, the TR Register’s e-Newsletter and online via or via the featured events spot on the homepage or events listings.

The TR Register Management Team apologises for any inconvenience and are looking forward to seeing you all ‘virtually’ at the re-scheduled digital AGM.