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24th April 2022

Red Rose Group - Drive-It Day 2022

Red Rose Group - Drive-It Day 2022

TR Register members are invited to join Red Rose Group on this year’s Drive-It Day Run to Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker on Sunday 24th April 2022.

We will be meeting at Blakemere Village car park, Chester Road, Northwich, CW8 2EB departing in groups between 10 and 10:30am for a run through Cheshire and Welsh boarder. The Village coffee bar is open at Blakemere from 9am for anyone arriving early and there will be a coffee stop mid route before heading to the Secret Nuclear Bunker.

We will be arriving at the Secret Nuclear Bunker around 2pm with the tour lasting approximately one and a half hours. There is no limit on numbers joining for the run and Bunker Tour although depending on numbers the tour may have to be split into groups.

Group rate admission cost is £11 per head payable on the day in cash at Blakemere Village.

Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker

In 1976 the site at Hack Green was purchased from the MOD by the Home Office Emergency Planning Division to be converted into a protected seat of government for Home Defence Region. It was cloaked in considerable secrecy over a five year period. At a cost reputed to be some £32 million, the original Rotor radar bunker was converted into a vast underground complex containing its own generating plant, air conditioning and life support, nuclear fallout filter rooms, communications, emergency water supply and all the support services that would be required to enable the 135 civil servants and military personnel to survive a sustained nuclear attack and stayed secret for more than 50 years. Now the blast doors are open and you can discover the labyrinth of rooms and authentic equipment used to run this defence region in the event of a National Emergency.

We will be departing Hack Green at Approx. 4pm returning back through to the Cheshire Countryside with the option of joining us for a Sunday roast at 4:45 pm at The Tigers Head, Norley.

Numbers are limited to max 30 for the Sunday roast and will need to be pre book in advance to ensure you have a place. Please email John Leleu, if you would like to join us for the run or the meal confirming numbers attending and if joining us for the meal your food choice. Food choices must be confirmed by email to John Leleu no later than Thursday 21st April.

• Roast Beef £12.95 small £8.95 Chicken £12.00 small £8.00, Falafel (V) £12.00 small £8.00

• Deserts – Vanilla ice cream £2.00, Apple Pie (Ice Cream or Custard) £5.50, Chocolate Fudge Cake (Ice Cream or Custard) £5.50

All TR Register members are invited to join us for what promises to be an enjoyable day.

Please click here for pdf version: Drive-It-Day-2022.pdf