2nd October 2021
POSTPONED - Kennet Valley TR Group support “End of Year Steam Up” and Classic Car Show, Burghclere
Please note this event is postponed due to forecast bad weather until further notice, We will send you details once we have news.
They were looking forward to a great event including the end of year run of the extended Burghclere Miniature Railway and they want to make this a very special day so they are hoping to have a good showing classic vehicles and bikes on show.
You may remember the report from Ralph about making surgical shields at home in the pandemic, read it again here: KVG Member supports NHS, so in tribute to Ralph, let's put on a great display of members cars and support this event, I look forward to seeing you there.
Registration Details -
Please note due to limited space we will require pre-registration of all vehicles - we'd hate to have to turn anyone away, therefore please provide the details below by no later than 30th September 2021.
For each vehicle that will be attending, please can you provide the following details and send to classics@burghcleresportsclub.co.uk - or Click here: Email Registration to Attend
Your Name -
Email Address -
Contact Number (on the day) -
Vehicle Registration -
Make -
Model -
Year -
On the day information - a fact sheet is attached to this email which includes address details, a link to Google maps and our basic ground rules to ensure we all have a safe and enjoyable day.
Please feel free to forward this mail onto anyone else you believe may be interested in attending either as an exhibitor and/or a spectator.