25th July 2021
TR Lincs Run to Walled Garden, Baumber
Our next TR Lincs run, organised by Derek and Allyson Pywell is to the Walled Garden at Baumber near Horncastle. We have a reserved parking so that we can all group together when we arrive. The owners of the gardens are not charging us for entry but would like us to make use of their catering and pre-order and pay for a sandwich or panini that they will bring to us when we arrive. You will be able to purchase drinks if you wish on the day. The details of what you need to do are below. Please put the date in the diary, order you food and we'll see you there.
1. The run will depart from Severn Districts Coffee House at Welton Hill, LN2 3RD departing 11am (arrive from 10am onwards). Google Maps link HERE
2. Derek has offered to settle with the Walled Gardens for the food you order and in order to facilitate that could you please complete your food pre-order by filling out the order form by clicking the link HERE. The form is an extract of the menu supplied by the Gardens which you can see by clicking the link HERE. When you have submitted the form with your requirements you will be emailed with the cost which you can either a) bank transfer or b) pay cash on the day, full details will be in the email back to you. Please complete the form by the 14th July latest please.
It does seem a bit complicated but the venue would prefer a "group" booking in advance to allow them to cater. If you have any problems then drop me a line at TRLincs@yahoo.co.uk