4th July 2021
Stoke Group and TR North West Region Run to the Sea
TR Register North West Region: Stoke on Trent, North Wales, Red Rose, Cumbria plus a Group from ‘Devon TRs’ on our North Wales Run.
We are going to Caernarfon in North Wales to celebrate the (well almost!) Unlockdown.
All TR Register members are welcome to join us : 2.00pm Sunday 4th July 2021 at Caernarfon Castle ‘Slate Quay Car Park’.
Each TR group will make their own way to Caernarfon for what will now have to be a ‘distanced’ gathering on the main car park adjacent to the Castle and Afon (River) Seiont, called the ‘Slate Quay Car Park’. Individual members are more than welcome to join us either on the run to and from, or perhaps meet us there. It’s up to you.
We anticipated that all the ‘Covid’ restrictions would have been lifted when we originally planned to run the event, however as we all know things have moved on, hence the delay in notifying people of the event.
We have been advised by the Register that we can run the event as long as we comply with all National and Local restrictions that apply in both England and Wales at the time.
We have agreed to do this and would respectfully ask that if you come along, please observe the regulations.
We are meeting in an outdoor space for which the regulations currently specify that no more than 30 people should gather in a group. It is a large car park and so we will be able to comply.
We will be there for about 1 to 2 hours before each group makes their own way home.
Individual members will be welcome to join any of the groups in their journey to and from the event.
Meeting point and route for Stoke Group members to be confirmed.
Any queries please contact Chris Mountford or Will Loomes via the TR Register: Stoke on Trent Group website or email trstokegroup@gmail.com