4th July 2021
Notcutts Classic Show - CANCELLED until 2022

For those members of Kennet Valley TR Group who booked for Notcutts Classic Car Show 2021, Jonathan Tew - Manager has sadly had to write to us to cancel the event, please see his message to us below:
Dear All
Hope you are all well and getting out and about in your cars.
Unfortunately I write with sad news, unfortunately we have taken the decision to cancel this years Classic Car Show on the July 4th at Notcutts.
This decision wasn’t taken lightly but unfortunately with the ongoing COVID restrictions still likely to be in place on July 4th it makes running the show extremely difficult. We would clearly have to comply with the current government guidance around events and with the volume of people our show is likely to attract we feel we wouldn’t be able to manage this effectively and safely.
We have taken advice from the local council and our Health and Safety officer and we have all agreed that the outcome should be cancelling the show until next year when we hope we will be in a better position to run the show safely for everyone to enjoy.
I am sure this will be a disappointment to all of you as it is for me but hopefully you will all agree that cancelling the show this year is for the best and with everyone’s best interest at heart.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your continued support to make our show the successful event that it has become, it is really appreciated, it was great to see so many familiar faces and familiar cars wishing to attend our show again this year. Many thanks to you all for this fantastic continued support.
I do hope that next year we can get back to normal and I look forward to arranging the show for 2022, watch this space for dates.
I have tried to copy everyone in to this email to notify them of the cancellation but if you have friends attending please let them know that we have cancelled the show.
I look forward to seeing you all in the near future and if not before at next years show.
Keep safe and well everybody
With thanks and Best Wishes
This of course is sad news, however keep your diaries ready for next years event.
If you decide to go to any event , please ensure you follow local rules and guidelines for Covid-19 and check through the latest TR Register Coronavirus Guideline, click here to view it. Always double check the event is happening to avoid disappointment.