27th June 2021
Kennet Valley Group invited to Thatcham Rotary Car Club Show & Family Fun Day

Once again Kennet Valley TR Group members can have pleasure of attending this local Car Show which will be part of the Thatcham Town Council Fun Day.
The date for the event is Sunday 27th June 2021 from 10.00am to 3.00pm . The venue is as previous years, Henwick Field on the A4 between Thatcham and Newbury and is clearly obvious from the main road. There will be rosettes for Best in Show Reserve and Highly Commended (the latter won in previous years by Graham Robertshaw & Phil Horsley in previous years).
You may remember that in the past they have requested a small donation with registration and as in previous years exhibitors were generous with their response, so this will continue this year and you will see the details on the entry form attached. For those of you who complete and return a pre-show entry a raffle will be held for a bottle of champagne and on production of the show rosette in our refreshment tent a free drink is available. An entry rosette is issued when an entry form is received or shortly thereafter.
Attached is the entry form which you need to complete and return to me with your contribution of whatever you would like to submit, say a minimum of £5, and a stamped addressed envelope. You can also enter on line at Thatcham Rotary Club.
Here is the booking form: Carshow_Form_2021.pdf
If you decide to go to any event , please ensure you follow local rules and guidelines for Covid-19 and check through the latest TR Register Coronavirus Guideline, click here to view it. Always double check the event is happening to avoid disappointment