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8th October 2020

Kennet Valley TR Group Virtual Club Night - October 8th (Thursday)

Kennet Valley TR Group Virtual Club Night - October 8th (Thursday)

Due to the latest restrictions, our October Meeting is again a Virtual Club/Pub Meeting” from the comfort of your own living room, garden, or bath etc.. The technology is widely used for video conferencing, particularly in the current situation and is not too difficult to follow. This ‘meeting’ has a time limit of 40 minutes and there is no limit to the number of people who can join, so why not give it a go it will give you all a chance to say hello to each other and catch up with your news, car related or otherwise even if you've never been to a Club night before.

You can join in with the meeting or just sit and listen/watch, its up to you, have a suitable beverage ready and sit back and relax. This will be an informal chat and a very short news update about the club.

The Zoom system will work on Tablet, Smartphone, and Laptops and Computers with microphone and speakers, if on Apple, be sure to download the App before the meeting. The meeting will start at 20:00, and is on Thursday 8th October 2020.

Details of link and password will be sent to you by email nearer the date.

If you would like further info, please contact Phil Horsley - GL