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12th July 2020

Wadebridge Web Wheels

Wadebridge Web Wheels

As our 2020 Events List has been scrapped, here is one of our favourites that can go ahead:

Wadebridge Web Wheels

As you are very much aware, we cannnot have a real, physical, kick-the-tyres Wheels in 2020, but we’ve worked out something to go in its place, which we are calling Wadebridge Web Wheels.

Instead of bringing your cars, bikes and other vehicles to Wadebridge for people to see and admire, post a photo or three of them on our Facebook page, detailing Vehicle Make, Model and year registered.

We will be making awards in various categories, some the same as at a normal Wheels, some entirely new. There will also be a “people’s choice” award for the posting with most ‘likes’.

Anyone can enter. There is no registration and no fee – just post your photos on our Facebook page. You can start posting now, and we have a closing date of 12th July.

Visit our web page for full details, including a list of the awards that we will be making, and how to enter if you don't use Facebook.

You can find our Facebook page here.

Stuart Hutchison

- Wheels Team Leader, Wadebridge Rotary