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7th June 2020

*** CANCELLED *** Cleveland Group TR Register - Visit to Elvington Air Museum

*** CANCELLED *** Cleveland Group TR Register - Visit to Elvington Air Museum

26th March STOP PRESS :

The event is no longer being advertised on the Yorkshire Air Museum website, so I assume it has been cancelled.

Cleveland Group will be visiting the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington on Sunday 7th June. This is a special "Open Cockpits" day at the museum, when you will be able to climb aboard a fast jet.

The following is taken from the website

Probably the most frequently asked question from museum visitors is, “What’s it like to sit in the cockpit?” Open Cockpits gives you the unique chance to find out for yourself.

A diverse range of the Museum’s historic aircraft will all be available for you to climb aboard and experience first hand for yourself.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to strap into an ejector seat and snap the switches on a Tornado Jet? What must it have been like to fly and fight in a historic WW1 biplane such as our SE5a? And what really goes on aboard the secretive Nimrod XV250 surveillance and reconnaissance jet?

You can find the answer to all of these things and many more on Cockpits Day.

Stand by for a full update on the list of Museum aircraft that you will be able to climb aboard and explore.

Please understand that some aircraft were designed to be flown by young, fit, agile pilots and may be unsuitable for access for everyone. We trust that visitors will work with us and understand the limitations that may be placed on access from time to time.

Clothing – Please wear sensible clothing and footwear to help us ensure you get the most from your experience.

Open Cockpits Day is a Special Event, prices for admission are £15 Adult, £12 Concession, £7 Child & £40 Family (2 Adults & 3 Children)

More details to follow nearer the time with a meeting place ......