14th June 2020
Kennet Valley TR Group - 50th Anniversary Party - Deferred to 2021 so will be our 51st.

Kennet Valley TR Group celebrates its 50th Anniversary in 2020. After much debate, your committee is proposing a summer celebration on the Thames to mark this momentous milestone.
Place: Salters Steamer leaving from Beale Park or Mapledurham House (TBC) Plus an optional run. Leaving Newbury Area 10am for Run. (optional) Leave Beale Park Landing Stage 1pm. Return 6pm.
Format: Arrival at Beale Park by way of a Tulip Run, through the Berkshire and Oxfordshire countryside. Cars will be parked nearby the Salter’s Steamers landing stage with a security guard on site continuously for the 6 hours. Board the Steamer for an afternoon cruise with a light buffet, cash bar and possibly music if we want it. Or we can bring our own instruments 😊!
The committee is proposing funding the £1,280.00 charter cost of the steamer from KVG reserves, with a modest charge for the buffet and to cover the security. Likely to be £20-25 per person total.
The steamer has room for you to bring along friends, up to two per KVG couple, and other TR Group members are welcome, though we would expect payment of £10 per person contribution to the steamer fare. So we can proceed we need your reply ASAP please, remember the boat trip & run are free the only cost is the meal and drinks.
This event is THE KVG 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION and a great opportunity for KVG members new and old to get together as well as the chance to cruise this beautiful stretch of the Thames. We had a similar event for our 40th anniversary, and it was rated a great success.
Please email by return, your intention to participate, and how many people you will be bringing, and whether you will be coming for the run as well, or just the river trip. Once we have an idea of numbers, we shall request a small booking deposit.
Can you Email: emrhysbarrell@goring.co.uk Tel: 07703 218906