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14th March 2020

Kennet Valley versus Glavon Annual Challenge Cup - 14th March 2020

Kennet Valley versus Glavon Annual Challenge Cup - 14th March 2020

Yes, it's time to get together for the annual 'competitive' event between KVG & Glavon TR's. This year, the event is Pub Skittles starting at 11:30 (no alcohol until 12:00) at the White Hart, Wroughton, near Swindon.

Phil Horsley handing the cup to Julian Booth last year

The Skittles match will take circa 2 hours and then we'll have lunch at this very hostelry. Get ready for some fun and frustration. It is an indoor event so no need for any wet weather gear.

Last year, the coveted Cup went to Glavon we are very eager to get it back, Glavon have a new GL this year, Nigel Ind, so let's get a good team together to win and of course enjoy the friendly rivalry and friendship between the two Groups.

So please book up for this great Inter-Group event in the 50th year of the KVG and TR Register.

The lunch will be ready circa 13:00, here are the menus:



More spaces available 9 people attending

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